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It was the third batch of cookies Lena rejected. The first she burned, the second was too dry and crumbly, and now the cookies were flat and sticking to the baking tray.

This is ridiculous, she thought. I could just buy Kara an infinite amount of her favorite cookies. Except Lena refused to buy them. Because Kara Danvers deserved more than expensive gifts. She deserved dedication.

Kara was the best thing that ever happened to her. She was the best girlfriend in the entire world. She was the best friend in the entire world. Perhaps the best human in the world, if you ignored the fact that she was not, in fact, human—But that's beside the point. What mattered was how she was good, smart, brave, generous, trusting, and kind. How she always did the right thing, always tried to save everyone, always saw the best in everyone (especially Lena. She would never understand how she got this lucky), always did everything to make those around her happy—and expected nothing in return. As far as Lena Luthor was concerned, Kara Danvers deserved the world.

So, yeah. Lena would do anything to make her happy—and that included homemade cookies for her girlfriend, who had a particularly hellish week both at her day job and as Supergirl. On Monday there was an out-of-control fire where Supergirl was needed—which happened at the same time Kara was supposed to be at a press conference; on Tuesday it was a gang of infernians wreaking havoc in the financial district; Wednesday had Snapper freaking out over not having good enough pictures for a cover story of said infernians; and Thursday had J'onn and the rest of the DEO going on a international-scale wild chase of a Martian war criminal. The poor kryptonian had barely had time to take a breath.

Now, Kara could handle stress, Lena knew that. Nevertheless, seeing that famed crinkle between her eyebrows deepen day after day was making her worried. So she had to put in a little effort. A night in with cookies and Christmas movies was just what the doctor ordered (Lena did have a doctorate after all, which made Kara smitten when she found out, but didn't stop her from teasing her mercilessly for being so accomplished).

Lena read the recipe again. She was fairly competent in the kitchen, despite finding cooking such an exhausting affair, so finding out her hard-earned skills in the kitchen didn't automatically translate to baking was bit disappointing. Nevertheless, she was committed to bake cookies for Kara, and she had to get them ready before her girlfriend arrived home from work. So she had to find out what was she was doing wrong and do it right for the next batch. She had no more flour (or time) to spare.

After looking up some rookie baking mistakes on the internet, —thank God for Betty Crocker—Lena was confident this batch of cookies would be the last one to go into the oven. Now all she had to do was set the timer and wait. It shouldn't take long. She picked up a book on her way to the couch, settling in under a blanket. Halfway through the second chapter she was startled by the sound of keys turning and the door being opened.

And there she was. Kara entered the apartment and suddenly it was like summer had arrived. Even if it was just February. It seemed to Lena that her girlfriend carried that warmth and light with her, wherever she went. Lena stared for a second before regaining her breath and welcoming Kara with a quick peck to the lips.

"You're home early! What happened?"

"You're one to talk. You're never home before seven."

Lena recognized the crinkle once again. She silently thanked the stars for planning this night in advance.

"Are you okay?"

"I...Yeah. I'm sorry for being snippy." she took a deep breath. "It's just...There was a bank robbery I had to rush to stop today, they had hostages. It took longer than I expected so I had to rush to finish this week's piece on time. It didn't end up as good as I hoped it would and Snapper obviously noticed it too. It's just so...frustrating. Having someone think I'm not good enough."

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