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For your first challenge, I swear, this will be REALLY REALLY cool.

I don't know if its going to be easy, but in this one I want to see how awesome your mind is.

So... Lets go to the first challenge.

For this first challenge you will have to go back in time in where our idols were on sing-off.

In The begging of your history they have to be in the last day of competition, where they make their awesome music and...


They loose.

Aaaah :-( :-(

I know. I know.

in your history this HAVE TO HAPPEN.

Now the rules for this dare.

* they have to lose the competition.

* it HAVE TO tell the history of their next 5 years.

* you are allowed to do either: 2 long chapters; or 5 short chapters with point of view of each member in each chapter, one year per chapter.

What happen in their life is your choice. You're able to do anything.

You have to make a history about their 5 years after lose Sing-off

You'll have 10 days to complete this challenge, so you can send me the links for your stories till April 20th.
To subscribe your history you have to comment HERE "I accept the challenge with: (name of your fanfic)".

Make sure your story its complete.

ALSO, if you guys already HAVE a story about PTX losing Sing-off, you are able to participate. Just name your fanfic in the comments HERE.

See you all in 10 days.
*good byyyye*

Pentatonix ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now