Challenge Two

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Since no one did the last challenge, I'll create a new one.

Make a one-shot book, this is what you'll need for the next challenge.

This challenge is a bit different...

  - you'll have to be as a character in this history.

  -The history HAVE to be written in your point of view (POV)

  - you'll have to pick your favorite band member and you two will be siblings.

  - You'll have to tell how is having a worldwide famous brother/ sister

- does it have to be about pentatonix or the one I pick can be famous for something else? YOUR CHOICE.

-ALL shipp allowed
- it can be uploaded to your current book
-words free.
-you can join with a full book or one-shot that was already published

DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT HERE WITH: "I accept the challenge with: (name of your fanfic + chapter)" With your new book or not.

Join until May 12th.

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