How To: 4

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It's 1:37 AM and I'm laying down giving you advice. You ought to send me a thank you letter.

How To Deal With The First Few Months In A Relationship:

Well, it's going to be awkward if you want my honesty. Being in a whole new relationship can take time to get adjusting to. Every relationship is different, some take longer to get settled into than others. But all go through the same things. When you first start dating you might either feel really excited kind of like "omg i have a boyfriend this is amazing i'm happy" or feel really nervous like "oh shit . i'm in a relationship wtf do i do now?". Fortunately I can help you with both.

Of courseeee you're going to be happy when you're in a new relationship. Just don't drag it. Don't go around telling everybody you're with this new man or always posting about because, you're going to end up wanting a private relationship. I know I don't like anyone in my boyfriend and I's business, that's creepy.

The first few months, you guys might argue a lot because you're new to it. You know each other but you don't know how each other acts in a relationship. Well you're about to find out. Don't be scared. Be honest about how you feel always, if you ever feel a type of way tell him. Never hide your feelings because it will affect you and your relationship in the long run. Always be honest even if it hurts. And he should be too. If he's not telling you everything or you feel like he's hiding something, tell him get honest or get the fuck out!

Always be you in the relationship. At first you might feel like you have to be the perfect girlfriend and you have to be what he says but a relationship isn't about what he wants, you have a say. You should never be someone that someone else wants you to be. Do not change for someone. Even if he's your husband. He should always love you or like you or be attracted to you for who you are. Because you are wonderful.

Isabella's Guide To: Boyfriends and All Things MaleWhere stories live. Discover now