The Closet

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   "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Kim's friend, Chelsea, squealed. 

   "Shh! Chelsea, everything will be okay. We will be okay." Kim said. Deep down, Kim wasn't even convinced that they were safe, but she needed to keep her friends quiet. Kim's other friend, Macy, was even squirming underneath the clothes in Kim's closet. They all knew they had to keep their statements short and their voice down as they hid from the two unknown men in Kim's house.

   Earlier the girls were invited to Kim's 16th birthday party and neither one of them knew what kind of danger Kim's party would bring to them. They were left by her parents and the friends were enjoying time away from parents till now. Before they heard a smashing sound from Kim's mother's vase on the coffee table, they were playing a game of two truths and one lie. They all learned by playing that Chelsea had a fish named Crystal and has a birthmark on her foot. Neither Kim or Macy knew either of those, but as it switched to Macy's turn they heard the vase...

   Through her blurry vision from tears, Kim could see Chelsea rocking by the door saying, "We are all gonna die, I know it, why did I come to this party," and Macy breathing hard under the pile of clean clothes Kim never bothered to put away. "Macy, you don't have to hide under my clothes," Kim assured her as she picked her old Penn State sweatshirt up off of Macy, "we aren't." She heaved up from under the mounds of detergent-smelling laundry.

   "Thank god," Macy whispered, "I wasn't sure whether I was going to suffocate before they even got to us or not." After Macy's remark, a thump sounded through the hallway and disrupted the slight silence between breaths. Chelsea jolted from the fright of the sudden sound and bite her hand to keep from screaming. Macy lyed where she was, whispering some positive sentences so she wouldn't hyperventilate. Kim, on the other hand, was peeking through the small sliver that separated the floor from the edge of the door.

   "I don't think they know our existence yet," Kim let everyone know. "Just keep calm for a couple minutes and they should hopefully go away." Kim looked back through the door and just in time. When she looked at her friends and gave them the update on what was happening it gave just enough time for the two men to slip into Kim's room and search for who the came for. Them.

   Little did the three friends know, the men did know about them and they were who they needed. Kim gasped without spilling what just happened to the rest of them. Kim needs them as calm as possible right now. Chelsea cocked her head to the door. "What was that?" Chelsea mouthed to Kim. Kim's answer was just a finger to her lips even though Chelsea didn't say anything. Kim peeked out from under the door again and it seemed like the men lost interest in her room.

   Kim sighed a sigh of instant relief and glanced at something moving in the distance. The window curtains across the hall. An idea shot into her head and was a life saving idea. She waved at her friends to come to where she's sitting. They gathered at the spot where they could get a look out the door. Chelsea went first and immediately knew what Kim wanted to do. Macy was confused, but slowly got the idea as well. Kim nodded to them before looking out the door to see if the coast was clear.

   With no one in sight she slowly turned the handle of the closet door and crawled out into her room. With her two friends in tow she got to her wobbly feet and tiptoed to the bathroom where the window was creaked open just enough to let a large breeze through. With tears streaking her face, Kim looked back at her frightened friends and calmed down. After looking both ways in the hallway she quietly quick stepped into the bathroom.

   Macy, being the lightest, was the first to get pushed up to the window to get through to the roof. Kim could sense that the two men were close, like under their feet, so she knew they had to move fast before they came back upstairs. Chelsea grabbed ahold of the ledge of the window and pushed off Kim's hands. Kim was the last to go and she got help from both girls to heave up through the window.

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