I Refuse To Die

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   Chelsea began crying again. What do they even want? This is the question they all ponder. Kim rubs her back in attempt to comfort her. "We just need to stay in hiding and everything will soon get sorted out on its own," Kim whispered.

   "Are we even going to get out of here alive?" Chelsea asked as she looked up. Chelsea had tear trails rolling down her cheeks. Kim saw this and got a lump in her throat which made it hard to swallow. She doesn't know how to answer this positively because quite frankly she doesn't even know the answer. All outcomes are possible. This negative thought left Kim in tears and Chelsea saw Kim. "I knew it..." Chelsea remarked. "We are gonna die."

   Kim gulped and tried to shield her tears from the rest of them. Was Chelsea right? Might we die? Will I ever see my family again? Kim became lost with all of these questions jamming themselves in her head. Kim shook her head, "No, we won't die, I refuse to die." Kim's eyes were lit up now with possible solutions to their huge problem.

   Kim pointed to Macy, "You... can be our lookout, if anything seems suspicious just signal to us." Kim showed Macy the signal she was supposed to use. Macy looked frightened, but was gaining her bravery back bit after bit. "Chelsea, how about you and I try to scramble out of this bush to the nearest road, that way we can try to get some driver's attention." Chelsea hesitated.

   "What if those guys come back as we head for the road?" Chelsea questioned. "We need something to provide protection for us." Kim looked frantically around for something to use. Her face lit up once more and she grabbed an old chuck of tree bark that might've fallen down during the week. She threw a piece at Chelsea and both of them snapped it in half so that there was a sharper edge than before.

   "It may not be the sharpest thing out here, but it will work," Kim told them. "Alright, now we are ready." Chelsea clawed at the side they came from and peeked out to check the coast. It was clear. She motioned for Kim to follow as she slipped through the bush. With Kim in tow, Chelsea crawled on the ground till she was back on the forest ground. They stood up and began walking toward the road that was right after the woods. With their sharp bark in front of them for protection, they got closer and closer to the dirt road, but were still  a fair distance away.

   "How far do these woods go on for?" Chelsea asked. "It seems like-" She got cut off by a familiar cry for help. They turned toward the bush where Macy had been hiding and saw something that would scar them for life...

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