Let go...

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   From the roof, the three friends could see the blue Toyota Corolla the two men drove to Kim's house. Still, their situation didn't seem real and what did they want anyways? The girls knew they had to be stealthy and most of all, quiet. Chelsea was still hyperventilating, even after all the attempts to keep her calm. Macy had yet to panic and Kim was secretly panicking through her calming words. "Now, let's try our best to get down and hide in the woods," Kim said. "We need to hide." Chelsea's eyes looked unsure, but she was willing to try anything, even beyond her greatest fears which were already coming true.

   Macy gulped, but agreed. With that being their newest plan, they set out for the woods. One by one, they slid down the slick, shingled roof. However, Macy tried stopping herself and the shingles clawed their way into her flesh. She murmured something under her breath, maybe a curse word, but it was too jumbled to comprehend. Macy was sent skidding to the edge of the roof and flailed to the ground. Well, almost the ground. Macy caught herself on the gutter on the side of the roof and dangled far from the ground.

   She gasped as the wicked roof dug deeper into her already bleeding hands. She cringed as the pieces of shingles from earlier went through her infected hands and red, shiny blood began to drip down her fragile arms. Her eyes began to widen as she heard a sound that sounded like old squeaky metal. Macy closed her eyes and grasped harder at the edge of the gutter. Ignoring the pain, Macy started looking around for Chelsea and Kim.

   Chelsea and Kim were already a step ahead of her and they stood a foot from where she dangled. "We got you," Chelsea told Macy. "Just let go and you'll be fine, we'll be fine." Macy has heard the last line of Chelsea's statement before. Plenty of times. One time was when her great grandma was deathly sick in her hospital bed and close to dying. Macy, who was 9 at the time, heard a voice above her say those lines to her great grandma. Was it her mom? Her dad? She never knew because she couldn't see straight through her tears. Then God decided it was time for her great grandma to visit heaven. That was one of the first times Macy cried. She hated crying.

   Thinking of that moment, Macy began crying and a mix of blood and tears began to drip onto her shirt. Macy finally tapped into her emotions and started to panic. "I...I...I can't do this," Macy stuttered in between gasps for air. "I just can't." Macy's chest expanded and trembled with each word. That sound Macy heard earlier came back, but louder. It pierced Macy's ears and the gutter started to move. Macy squeaked and the gutter came crashing down, throwing pieces of metal debris to the ground. The other two girls caught Macy before stumbling to the ground.

   Kim must've bit down on her lip because all she tastes is the copper taste of blood in her mouth. Kim swung her head around like a startled deer when she heard the slam of her screen door in the front of her house. She grabbed Chelsea by the arm, who had Macy by the torso and began running for the woods. Plan B was finally in play.

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