My New Life

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I had to sit down and think. My wolf life was a curse, but felt like a dream come true. Then, one day when I had missed my Mom, I ran back towards my old house, but only got a few feet before soldiers came out of nowhere and started hooting. That's when I looked around and realized that my life where I grew up had changed. Rotten bodies lay on the ground, maggot's crawling through the empty eye sockets. My house had gone from blue to black in a matter of months. That was because my It can't be. I grabbed the blouse between my jaws and ran. The woods could save her. I know they could! I cried out for Luna, and she came. She said she would try to save her with magic, but the chances were slim. She said a few words in Latin, but I had no clue what had happened. All I knew was that my eyes had flooded with tears, and then the next day, I spotted a new wolf. She joined my pack, and we bonded.  Only months later she told me that I had changed her. My own mother is now in my pack, after months of mourning and rolling around in soot. We wasted no time doing mother-daughter things, although I needed to teach her how to adjust to being a wolf.  It took her 3 months to eat without gagging, almost a year to admit she liked hunting. And this is when everything changed. My life, her life, Our life...

But what would happen in a week? The first time she would see herself. Because the silvermoon Hunt Pack was going on our first trip to the ocean we crawled out of years ago. The one our ancestors were born from, drank from, survived off of. We would choose our best hunters, and a few reliable pups to come and enjoy the experience, leaving the defenders of our pack to protect our growing family. We can't bring everyone! It would be too suspicious. I was worried, though. Worried that my mother would suddenly realize that she didn't want to live with me and my wolves any longer, and scared that I would lose a few wolves on the trip. It was a tiring trip, and took a very long time to get there. We would have to go on a large hunt the night we leave, because once on our way, there is no turning back. It was a hard decision, and I needed to train my wolves hard to build up their stamina, and keep them moving. We would be gone a week, and I also needed to know that my pack would be well-guarded when I wasn't there, and when many of our best fighters and hunters would be with me for the travel. However, I believed and trusted them. I just wasn't sure what would happen if we had a surprise attack from one of the rival clans. 

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