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'okay. so lemmeguess. I did that thing again, didn't I.'

'What thing?' You asked innocently.

I growled. 'That thing where I do something really important, and then forget about it,  and then when I remember, no one else does, so then I get all these strange looks.'

And then you did exactly that. You gave me a strange look like I should be put into an asylum. Which, to be fair, I probably should, but c'mon, people... CUT ME SOME SLACK! Then I went back to forgetting. And sleeping. OH! And eating. I like to eat a lot, too. And just because i'm...Whatever I am, doesn't mean i'm all like... "Eat meat, meat taste GOOD. need meat. grrrrr." No. I like my meat, but still. I have a nothing to do but hunt? Really? That's what you think? I have PUPS to take care of. And then a whole other pack. I was made an Alpha long ago, and at a young age. So no, I don't just eat meat and sleep, and hunt. And whatever other steryotypical things you all think werewolves do. I DON'T DO THAT!!!! So, now i'm off. To hunt. Later, lame-o's.

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