the beginning

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Farkle's pov.

We  walk through the school only noticing her shadow for she has grown away from us, poor Riley. I remember when Riley came crying to us when this awakening moment had happened in our life. The second week of high school

*Flashback* do da do da do *whispers* flashback

Lucas and I were on a date a Topanga's when the world had seemed as if it were going to shatter every step Riley took towards us.

"She's gone." Riley mumbled to a degree I could partially understand but, not fully.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Lucas asked. His eyes were furrowed and lips parted as if he were is an oblivious shock.

"She said, "I can't continue being your friend if I remain being friends with you, when you are friends with Lucas and Farkle." Cries trickled down Riley's cheek.

"Why would she say that?" I asked. None of this had made sense at the time.

"She said, 'she still loves Lucas and it pains her to see that you two are together." Riley uttered in tears.

Flashback ends

From that day we've only seen the shadows of Maya as she peers around the corner with all her popular friends.

It's okay though. We're all doing fine. Zay and Riley are together while Lucas and I are still together. Though the roads continue to be rocky for our group we still manage pull through.

For me everything is okay. Well that's a lie. It's not okay. It's Billy. Yes I am forever told by friends that I am not a nothing but, the words of one can pull to down further than the positivity can pull you up in a lifetime. Sometimes I stay up late thinking to myself, "why did society choose me as the weird one?" Sometimes I wish I could just be Donny Barns but, no I'm just Farkle your average genius, with your average rich parents, in a society where beauty and appearance are the only thing that matters. Yes I could go on bout the depressing positions life has sprawled out for me and I could get on with the story.

The story begins.

It was average Tuesday, Riley all smiley hand in hand with Zay, plotting ways to steal crayons from our peers. While me NC Lucas are on the couch at Riley's house watching GLEE, blabbing about how beautiful Kurt Hummel's voice is.

Suddenly, the screen goes blank and we hear a continuous mind numbing siren coming from the TV. Our first instinct was to panic but, then came a monotone voice saying, "The following is a urgent warning from president Barrack Obama. Please listen."

The screen turned with color, and apeared our president. "There has been a serious event that the government has been trying to control but, the virus has spread nation wide. There has been a serious out case of zombieidous located in Wisconsin due to the bad cheese manufacturing year. It has spread to Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and this is too sad to say but under a rock in Montana. I wish you all luck for this will be the last thing I say due to the zombies will be taking over the entire world. But hey I'll be safe in the bunkers while you have little to no chance of survival. Good day." The president said and the screen went blank and all electricity went out and no light could be seen.

"Well that sucks more than a vacuum." , I uttered.

All of a sudden we hear awkward out bursts of laughter.

"Who's laughing?" Riley asked.

"I am!" Some voice said. 

"Who might that be?" Lucas asked.

"Sharpy is who might that be." Sharpy said.

"The creepy- ah, I ah mean normal girl who claims she has 21 and counting husbands and tells people the disgusting truth about what's in their food. Who also sits behind us in the back of the class and thinks of ways of how you will run the world when you become dictator. That sharpy?" Lucas asked.

"Yup! I'm that one!" Sharpy said with far to much happiness considering our circumstance at this time being.

"Why are you in my house?" Riley questioned.

"I'm in all of your houses when you are not aware of it." Sharpy said as if that were completely normal.

"Ohh, well that's normal. Wait.... what?" Zay said.

"Look on the bright side of this situation, Trump never became president! All the druggies will be gone because they'd be high and see a zombie and be like , 'hey I know you. Wait why are you eating my arm that is frowned upon in most countries.' see there is much to be happy about!

"She does have a point." Riley said.

"Riley, the world is coming to end! There is possibly nothing positive that comes out of this in the long run." Lucas stated.

"False. This is the end of humanity not the world. Maybe walruses will become the new dominant species. Wouldn't that be something?" Sharpy stated.

"Sharpy you seem to know more about survival than the rest of us how might we be able to survive?" I asked. Because survival is a thing we all will need, and quit frankly I would love to survive.

"As a wise person once said, I being that wise person, in order to survive you must keep your allies close to you, know everyone's next move, be in constant fear, and don't get in my way for I'll hit you with a bat unless you are fun to look at or you are one of my 21 husbands and counting." Sharpy said.

"Okay, hey why don't we split up and father supplies." Lucas suggested. We all nodded in agreement.

So I headed towards the kitchen to gather cans food and prepackaged food. When I heard a bizarre whisper "sometimes I try to light rocks on fire and pretend that they're Trump, Maya, Zoella, Onision, Nixon, Madonna, and Melanie Martinez." I'm going to assume sharpy said.

"Has anyone ever told you, you are creepy?"  I asked.

"Has anyone ever told you, you smell good?" Sharpy asked?

"Yes, my boyfriend Lucas has. I don't trust you okay, so please back away." I said.

"Why because I'm smarter than you recall me being, I just dumb my self down so when I say something smart everyone is in shock. Where as I know more than the average person would an that scares you. Or maybe its because you and I have the same dream of running the world as dictator." Sharpy said she was actually on point with all that.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Lucas came walking over as he slipped his hand into mine.

"Nothing, um I just want to see how Farkle was doing." Sharpy said.

"Oh, okay. Well come on Farkle I have something to show you." Lucas said with a genuine smile.

We walked to the other end of the living room.

"What did you want to show me?" I asked.

"This." He said.

He pulled out the most beautiful rock I have ever seen ever so shiney, ever so beautiful up in the reflection of the flashlight's light that is in Lucas's left hand.

"Wow." I said with amazement.

"Knock! Knock!" Screamed the door.


Well that was a snazzy chapter continue to read or don't I'm not getting paid either way. And with that I'm gonna dash out!

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