The life I thought I was living.

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Lucas pov.

I am completely and utterly confused. So supposedly, I had been in a coma for 8 months. I had dreamed my entire existence in New York. I dreamed a life I loved.

"Lucas. I'm glad to see your up." Said and overly happy nurse. How could she be so happy people are literally dying all around her.

"Yeah." I awkwardly stated. The nurse smiled and nodded, not really sure what to say after my remarks. God I'm more awkward that Dan Howell and Kurt Hummel (when he had a crush on finn) combined!

"So you will be able to leave tomorrow but, you will have trouble walking and you know all the things that seem pretty basic due to your fall!" The happy nurse stated sounding even more happy than before. I'm not kidding, so take Riley+Elmo+Phil Lester+Connor Franta + Spongebob+Mabel Pines + Olaf + Buddy the Elf + Britney S. Pears+ Joy= and that my dear friends is how overly happy that nurse was.

"Can I ask, do you have any information on how I fell hard enough causing me to be in a coma?" I asked.

"Well... It says right here on the forms your mother filled out, I quote 'Lucas fell down the stairs trying to sing all the  parts Bohemian Rhapsody By Queen, while dancing. Then when he tried getting up he hit his head on the beak of our giant penguin statue.'" The happy lady smiled so wide her eyes were practically popping out of her head with joy.

"Well as long as it was nothing weird." I said sarcastically.  That sounds too weird that it doesn't even sound true. Knowing my drunk for a mother it probably wasn't true.  

"Well, I have to go check on another one of my patients. In the meantime your grandpa wants to talk to you." She smiled but, not as wide as before.

She walked out and in popped my Papi Joe. His face looked angered but, I could see through the anger I knew he was happy to see me awake.

"I have to tell you this before the others come." Papi Joe rushed.

"Tell me what?" I asked, could my voice have sounded more confused, the world may never know.

"There keeping things from you lucas." Papi Joe paused for a second. He was sounding like a crazy man. "Whatever your mother wrote on the hospital forms was incorrect. What really happened was, Your mother got drunk like extremely drunk, drunker than normal. You were carving a pumpkin up stairs. The pumpkin was a carving of Elton John and for some odd reason your mother thought that, that was offensive so she decides to rip the knife out of your left hand and threaten you. You stepped back trying to avoid getting stabbed by your drunken mother. You continue to step back not realizing the stairs were behind you. Then flibbity jibbit you were at the bottom of the stairs. You tried getting back up but, your mother punched you in your face, knocking the back of your head into the giant penguin statue knocking you out with in seconds. I saw the whole thing. When your father came home the next day, your mother was sober but, remembered her mistakes so vividly and told your father the entire truth of what happened and you were rushed to the emergency room. Your father didn't care what your mother had done.

They were also told that you wouldn't be able to remember anything from the previous 4 months. Your parents took your memory loss into consideration. They were concerned because you started watching GLEE, and that must obviously mean your gay in their ignorant eyes. So they hired that girl Lilly to be your girlfriend. She was not in the best financial situation. Her dad lost his job and her mother in the hospital waiting for a heart transplant. So your parents offered her dad a life time job at the ranch and paid for her mother to be moved up higher on the transplant list. There is much more they are keeping from you. That's why I'm taking you and we're fleeing to New York city." Papi Joe rushed his eyes filled with so much anger from which my ignorant parents caused.

"Papi Joe, what if they find us?" I questioned.

"It's worth it . You'll be away from your lying, self-centered, ignorant parents. Plus I'm meering 70, the last 2 decades or so of my life should be filled with me on vacation." Papi Joe said.

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"3 weeks from now." Papi Joe said with a smile.

"Thank you." I said.

And with the satisfactory of me leaving this abusive life i don't remember all too well, then the walking hell came pounding through the door, yes I'm talking about my mother.

"We got permission from the doctors to bring in food for you instead of the grubby hospital food. So your father is bringing ribs." My mother smiled not realizing I know everything.

"Sorry but, I'm a vegan now." I said.

"Don't be ridiculous that obviously can't be healthy. Besides that's how all the gays eat." My mother ignorantly said.

"I'm appalled by your bigotry mother. It's called a dietary plan not a sexuality mother. Besides I'm pansexual not gay. Meaning I could fall in love with anyone doesn't matter the gender. Does that really matter?" I questioned knowing if her response was negative I will be leaving soon anyways.

"No, it's not okay! You will stop watching GLEE, you will start eating like a normal person, and will join the football team again, you'll continue to go to church, and when your father comes here you will eat those ribs because they are healthy for you!" My mother yelled.

"Yes because making me stop watching Glee, and forcing me to go to church and join the football team will automatically make me straight. Oh and yes dead carcass full of unhealthy fats from a defenseless cow, drowned in highly unhealthy barbecue is healthy. Yes great life choices mother, keep up with the great work. I hope to see you in Hell because that is clearly where you think I belong." I yelled. Anger began to rush through my body faster that the water flowing down the Niagara Falls.

"You shut up! You know nothing! You low light peice of scum! You are going to rot in hell!" My mother said.

"Clara, why don't you just go take a lap around the hospital and breath while I talk to Lucas." Papi Joe said to my mother in high frustration. My mother stormed out of the room with a strong sense of hate flurrying towards me.

Papi Joe walked towards me. "Hey, are you okay?" Papi Joe asked.

"Relieved. Relieved that I will soon be away from her bigotry." I smiled.

"You don't have to eat those ribs. I'll go get you a salad." Papi Joe said.

"Thank you." I said.

Papi Joe left. I sat there in complete silence trying to ponder upon why my parents were so arrogant and crazy enough to try to trick me into believing I'm something that I am not. It is ridiculous. I see no future in ever returning home to them, no future into seeing them again, after I leave.

Then my brain starts to drift towards the possibilities of what if they were real? What if it wasn't just a dream? What if it were my destiny to go out and find them? 

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