Chapter 23 - My Sore Behind

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Jade literally fell out of bed while I looked at Jason with wide eyes, I didn’t have the guts to look at his ‘brother’

“Jason is that you?” His brother said.

Jason looked at him, his eyes cold and his body stiffed.

“I- I, Shit,” he mumbled. Jason just kept looking at him.

“Maybe we should wait downstairs.” I tried to interrupt.

“No, you pick your stuff, where going.” Jason said already going downstairs.

Jade didn’t look at Jason’s brother or me. He just looked like he had seen a ghost. As much as I tried my body didn’t move, now I know why he looked so familiar, he looked exactly like Jason. “I’m sorry I think I should-“ as I finally found the courage to walk away Jason’s brother almost run over to me. “Wait,” I stopped and turned around, Thank god he whore his boxers! “Look I don’t know about your history with Jason and I’m sorry for coming in so… unannounced, I know Jason and I are going home tomorrow, so if you want to talk to him do it fast.” I bladder out. “I don’t think Jason would ever talk to me…” “Jane,” I said.

“Jane… I’m Justin.” I didn’t know if it was when he said his name, or when I finally looked at his face good, but I finally noticed it. “Your, Y-Your Justin Bieber…”

“Yes, yes I’m him okay, just please tell Jason I never wanted it to happen like this.” I looked at him with a sad face.

“I know coming in in a moment like that sucks, but Jason get over it.”

“I wasn’t talking about that.” Justin said, I just nodded. “Well, not really the way I imaged to meet my brothers girlfriend.” I gave him a small smile. “But I guess I can’t change it now.” As I wanted to say something I heard a car honk, Oh Jason… “I have to go.” I said, “don’t forget what I said.” How could I possibly forget anything that happened here?

“What took you so long?” Jason spat, while I got in the car.

“I don’t know, maybe your brother who’s dying to see you?”

“You talked to him?” He asked with eyes wide open, looking at me.

I just stayed silent while he drove off.

“So you met the great Justin Bieber huh? How did that feel? Did you get to touch his abs?” He said sarcastically.

“Stop it Jason.”

“I heard they where like touching a unicorn, soft plus his are tanned.” He said now a little irritated.

“Why are you being like this to him?”

He just shrugged and shook his head.

“Jason,” I said knowing I want an answer. “Jason please, we already had two fights today, don’t make this a third.” He just sighed.

“If you didn’t noticed he has a different last name, it’s not because he’s a half brother… He was just ashamed of our last name.” I looked at Jason. Why, was all I could think. Jason is rich, his parents are rich. What could be so embarrassing?

“I told him about my ‘real’ life, just like I told you. That’s why he’s embarrassed. Justin was… my best friend, my brother and friend all in one. But he was always seen as the good guy and I was the bad, even though I always stood in his shadows and blamed every bad thing he had over done on me. It never bothered me. Because he’s my brother. But when I told him… everything. He never looked at me, I wasn’t even worth his smile.”

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