Something New, Something Used, Something Out of Order.

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I cant get the feeling out of my head once we were alone. It was almost torture that pulled on the back of our brains. It wouldn't stop. Well at least thats how I felt. My siblings were fine- wait. Where did they go. As I looked around sighing. I knew they left to check out the place. Not wanting to be alone I went out to look for them. As I was looking a found a door that lead tot a basement of the pizzeria.

"What can go wrong" mumbling to myself quietly as I opened the door heading down. The stairs were creaking loudly. Soon coming to a stop there was an elevator that had caution tape around it. "Maybe they went in there.." I stiffed out a laugh "yep that has there name written all over it." I sighed as I went in the elevator it closed and the light flashed on and off. The elevator went down. I banged on the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't work.

A voice turned on "hello im Handy! And im going to be your guid for the night!" He said in an android voice. "Welcom-me Is-abella-" it glitch. This was it. Im going to die down here and no one will ever know. Please not now. Handy talked and talked nonstop about what happens. The Elevator came to a stop "please exit through the hole on your right" he said turning off for a moment. I climbed through the hole hoping that I would be upstairs. No. It was different. Definitely different.

Two green eyes stared back into my eyes.

Her Name Is Sweet Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن