chapter 1 ~ the runt

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~Artemis's  p.o.v~

Making my way to the town market I keep my head down to the grown never looking up to make eye contact with any of the other pack members. I quickly gather all of the grocery and rush back to my little cottage just beyond all of the pack houses. My own secluded space. "Artemis!" I heard someone yell, I turned to see the beta of the pack Jack. Who I've had a crush on sense we were small pups "I'm so glad I found you, alpha Sam was looking for you" I rolled my eyes what could he possibly want now another way to make a mockery of me or better yet make me be his maid for the day. Before jack could say another word I walked off in the direction of the pack house with jack hot on my tail.

We walked in only to find alpha Sam sitting behind his desk and two vampires sitting in front of him. One in particular caught my eye he was tall and strong but he had an overpowering demeanor about him that I just loved and hated at the same time. Our eyes locked and it was like all time stopped  his eyes were a stormy blue we stared at each other for what seemed like eternity until alpha Sam broke the connection "oh Artemis about time Jack found you, I was beginning to think that we would have to put out a search party for you" he said with a bright smile that I have never seen before.

"What can I do for you alpha ?" I said with my head lowered, not daring to look up to make eye contact.  "as you know there is a war going on with the shadow moon pack, and we need all the help we can get" alpha said as he looked in between all of us. "with your help prince Sirius my packs success will be guaranteed " alpha Sam said looking at who i now know is prince Sirius. "and what do me and my people get in return" Prince Sirius said in an annoyed tone.  " That leads me to my next discussion. Artemis here is un-mated not to mention she is a runt and runts do not have mates. so in light of this situation I suppose a marriage union or a peace treaty as you may." Alpha took a pause as to let the prince and his adviser take in the proposition before he continued. "the shadow moon pack is closing fast and is starting to take control over more territory,  even vampire ." 

"You mean for the soon to be king of the vampires take a werewolf nun the less a runt as that as his mate!" The princes adviser said looking even more aggravated then when I first saw him. "Besides those puny wolves are nothing compared to us, the clans of vampires they took out were weak and small, purely rats compared to us" The adviser said. Before alpha Sam could respond the prince spoke up, "we will accept this proposal, but i will not have a union with Artemis unless she chooses to" He said as he turned to me waiting for me to speak, but the problem was that I had no words. "I.... um" I just couldn't seem to find the words as I stared straight into his gorgeous blue eyes I could just stare at them forever and never get tired of looking. With out a word the prince slowly stalked forward and leaned down until he was my height so he could say the one word that I have always wanted to hear sense I was a pup "Mate" 

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