Tagged :)

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Hi, I was tagged by  WolfSpirit2604
So... Here goes nothing...
1. Type of phone you have:
I have an iPhone, but one of the oldies.
Do you have a crush?
2. I don't have a crush at the moment but I used to a while ago.
3. August 14th.
Best Friend:
4. I'll write her nickname instead of her real name because of privacy and respect. We call her Leo (just like the zodiac).
Favorite song:
5. Ooooh, too difficult... but my favorite band is Panic! At The Disco.
Biggest fear:
6. Losing someone I love.
Hair color:
7. It's dark brown.
Favorite subject:
8. Literature or history.
Favorite sport
9. I really am not into sports, but in any case, I think swimming is okay.

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