Chapter 5 - The Truth Comes Out And The Pain Goes In...

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I stood there puffing, I ran the and teleported to this spot, I was tired. My brother fell to the floor, it looked like he was about to cry.

"B-Boss!", I yelled.

"Sans...", my bro touched my face as if i was teddy bear. I stood surprised, I turned to Undyne who was bleeding. My brother walked over to Undyne and started healing her, I scrunched up my fist.

"Undyne what were you thinking?!", I yelled.

"I was helping you, and proving I was right." Undyne smiled. I grabbed her without thinking and hugged her.

"If you do that again, I'm going to kill you." I said. I realized Undyne's face turned a bright red, my bro was just watching in the corner shaking his head. "I'll go back and take my bro home, see ya."

"B-Bye...", Undyne said muttered. I got home, as soon as I walked into the house, Papyrus hit me on the head.

"What was that for?!"

"For being an idiot." Papyrus said. He crossed his arms and let out an annoyed sigh. "I would usually say that you're weak for loving someone but... I'm not one to talk huh?"

"Are you talking about Mettaton or me?", I said annoyed.

"BOTH OF YOU!", Papyrus said with his face flushed.

"What are you talking about?"

"How you have feelings for that fish." Papyrus said coldly. "You should've just told her."

"Wh-What?! You crazy?! I ain't gunna ask her out. She wouldn't like a skeleton like me!"

"Then why would she help you. Why would she bother talking to you."

"She wants me as a friend!"

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