Chapter 9- Memories Are Back

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Undyne and I laid in her bed together, frightened. Her Sans and I knew what is going to happen, the human child cannot be let near our brothers...

Undyne, Sans, Fell Undyne, Papyrus, Fell Papyrus and I walked to the door explaining everything. It was hard to take in the 'Reset' explanation but everyone got it.

"So... We've died... multiple times from this monster...", Fell Undyne sighed eye glowing a blood red colour.

"Yeah... Didn't think you would take it in properly but 'tabia-' honest, it wasn't that nice to see you guys die over and over again without the truth. But we gathered us here because we are strong fighters and we can beat whatever is behind that door." Sans said. Everyone agreed without hesitation.

"Everyone get ready, it doesn't take them long...", I said. I thought we would have more time to train on our dodging but to our surprise, the door opened with dust flying out yet again. Sans and I both looked down in disappointment, staring at Toriel's dust as it flew past...

"Well, well, well... Looks like everyone knows the truth now... huh?" Chara chuckled. "What happens if I reset? They would forget about everything you told them Sans...", Sans and I said nothing. We didn't think about that.

"Human... Please, don't do this-"

"Oh Papyrus... so trusting... I pity you, so...", Chara pulled out a glowing orb that shined a black colour. Chara grinned and smashed it, everyone around me and Sans fell to the ground.

"What did you do?!", Sans yelled helping Fell Papyrus and Papyrus up while I went to help the Undynes.

"I gave them their memories of each and every timeline from your universe and the other. So you wouldn't have to waste your time telling them about me. They won't forget when I reset either! I am putting up a challenge for myself.", Chara laughed and she pulled out her knife.

"HOW DARE YOU KILL ME AND MY BROTHER!", Fell Papyrus yelled. My brother remembers my death too? Well... At least he knows I tried...

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