university of ....

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Fabian's pov

The streets had cars in the side walks and in the middle of the road.

Well at least we don't have to worry about driving through all of the cars anymore because we don't have one anymore.

"Oksana how did you get this far off from Somerville." I asked.

"I traveled with a group." She said.

"Where are they?" Erick asked.

"I don't know I ran away from them because after two weeks of staying with them I found out they were cannibales. They freaked me out so I left while they slept. They might still be out there."

I nodded.

"which was withering away.

Pebbles where sticking out of the concrete and the paint that I guess would help you get around and park were faded.

I jogged to the front doors of the college.

As I looked to the ground I saw a some wording.

"University of..." The plants and vines were covering the rest of it.

I hate cliff hangers.

I opened the glass door and held it open for Oksana and Erick.

As they past through I stated at a few tall buildings in the distance.
The sun looked beautiful when barely rising behind them.

I stepped in side after them. The place looked huge.
They're was a banner hanging from the ceiling and there was stairs that leaded to different hall ways.

"Where do we start?" I say.

"Anywhere,it doesn't matter." Oksana says.

Oksana pulls one of the arrows from her backpack and loads it on her bow.

"There could be infected in here." She says.

I pulled out my shot gun and Erick pulled out his rifle.

"Let's go up stairs." I say.

We walked up a set of stairs and found some class rooms and auditoriums.

"Most of these are locked." Oksana says.

I put my hand on a the handle of a door. I turned it and it had turned loosely.

"Guys this one is open." I say.

I slowly open the door and scanned the area.

"It's empty come on guys." I say.

The auditorium was dark. Erick and I turn on a flash light on our backpack straps.

The seats where arranged in a decent order. I didn't think there was such thing.

We walked around and search for any thing we can find.

Towards the stage of the room there was a card on the floor that had a strap on it so you can wear around your neck.

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