new member in the team...yay!

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Fabian's pov

Some times I forget just how strong Chris is.
I literally takes me about three or two stomps to at least to kill an infectan.
But this guy literally demolished one.

"Oksana!" Amberly and Kimberly exclaimed.

"My children I missed you!" She says.

I'm sitting on the couch trying to catch my breath and fixing the backpack strap I found at the college for amber.
I totally forgotten how childish we used to be in that dumb school back at South Boston.

"Annabelle!" Oksana exclaimed. "Hi." She said with a smile.
"I haven't seen you in a long time." She said.

Christopher walked in and put his arm over her shoulder.

Oksana begins to look confused.
"Wait Anna were'nt you with..."

Oh no Oksana doesn't know!

"No we are not." Anna said.

Oksana looks at me with a sorry smile.
"Bummer!" She said.

"She couldn't keep up then she just disappeared. Don't look at me like that." I say walking past them.

"Fabian was it that?" Amberly said.

"It's for you. I figured you needed a backpack." I say

I leave it on the table she was sitting on.

"Who is Jaycee?" Amberly asks.

"Someone." I say.

As she unzipped the backpack to look in side of it, Victoria comes out of a room and noticed Oksana.
"No way! Oksana!" She exclaimed with open arms.

"Victoria! My girl!" She said hugging her.

Oksana turned and sees me looking at them.

Victoria looks at me and shrugs.

"Jeez calm yourself Oksana." Ace says.
"What I haven't seen you guys for a Long damn time." She responded.
I walk in to the kitchen.
Erick follows me in. "Well you lost your girl. So sad." He said.
"It doesn't matter." I say.
"Yeah I don't care. I don't have girlfriend and I'm FINE." Erick says.

"I know that and it really doesn't matter." I say grabbing a energy bar.

I opened the rapper of the bar. "Erick can you keep this between us?" I say. "I'll just forget anyway." He said.
"Ok but in my opinion I'm not going to make any promises whether who is going to survive." I say.

"It's best I don't attach my self to someone I care about too much because if that person dies, I won't be able to move on, and that won't do any good to me. Understand?" I say.

"K" Erick says shrugging his shoulders.

I take a bite and walked back in to the living room.
"Who is this?" Amberly said pulling out some photos in her backpack.

"Those where in there. They....Belonged to someone." I say.

"Is this how all guys used to look back then?" She says holding the photo of the girl and her boyfriend.

Oksana goes around the table and looked at the picture.

"Damn he is cute." She says.
The rest of the girls look at the photo.
"He is pretty cute." Victoria says.
"I'd definitely date him." Eva says.
"He is cute but he is the typical type of cute." Ace says.

Kimberly goes around the table and looks at the pictures then looks at us.

"Why can't you guys look like that?" She asked.
I roll my eyes. "If we did we would probably be dead."

I say taking a seat on the couch.

Avy looks at the black screen of the TV. "I wonder how it was when these things still worked." He said.

"Everyone would probably be used to it. When the outbreak occurred the situation blew up on television, apparently." I say.
"Isaac remember when we would go outside the wall to find anything out there, like ammo and all that?"

"Ah yes." Isaac response smiling and nodding.

It was pretty cool to be messing around out side the wall.
There was tons of stuff outside the wall. We once saved Avys life outside the wall that is actually how we became friends.

I just remembered that we had planned to leave when Erick and I came back from scavenging the university.

I got up and walk up to the rest sitting on the table.

"Hey guys didn't we agreed that we were going to all get out of here." I say.

"Oh yeah. What position is the sun in?" She asked.
"The sky is kinda cloudy but I can tell that the sun is not yet in the center of the sky." I say.
"Then we might have enough time before it gets dark."I say.

"Well we better go now." Ace says.
I turned and looked at the others.
"Alright, everyone get your stuff we are leaving. Now we don't have a car right now so just be aware of your surroundings. You have no idea what can pop up out here." I say.

Everyone grabbed there backpacks and headed to the living room right beside the door.
I grabbed my backpack loading my pistol and shot gun.
Erick opens the door and walks out with the rest following him.
I approach the door and when I got there, I turned to take one last look at the house we stayed in.

"Alright." I whispered to myself.
I walk out closing the door behind me.

I take a good glance at the area and walk down the porch.
"Alright let's get out of here." I say.

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