Chapter 10 Sacrifice

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It was Mr. Reso again. It was a good thing that we were strong enough to fight him fist on fist. He even acted surprised.

Every bit of time we had in that fight used to try to snap him out of his hypnosis. The hypnosis seemed to be getting stronger. His fists nearly touch me now.

I needed help with the task so I called on Owa and Byto. They fought him and got him down to the ground. I then tried to physically get him out of his hypnosis.

It didn't work but he was still not out of his hypnosis yet. I couldn't think of anything to do. Owa suggested capturing him until we can snap him out of it.

We did just that. There was a cell in the guild hall that canceled out magic. When he when in he snapped out of his hypnosis. That told us the the hypnosis was a magical spell.

He couldn't leave the cell until we find out a way to permanently relieve him of the spell. He even offered to help from inside his cell. from that day on I Trained, visited the graves, and then visited Mr. Reso.

Most nights I could hear what the adults were doing to try to take away the spell. Somethings were just potions, others were hypnotizing him themselves. They had found a potion that aloud him an hour before his hypnosis kicked back in.

The upside to it was that he got to keep his given strength. The downside was that every single time he did it he grew older by 1 year. At least it would have sufficed until we found the actual cure.

I was told to go on my own to spy on the Human Hunter guild, and possibly find out who or what was magically controlling people. I hurried over to their guild hall. It was extremely quiet in there.

No one was guarding the guild. No one was on the inside of it either. I was still cautious though.

I made my way up to their armory. They were packing some nice armor, probably for their high generals. I heard something coming from the room next to the armory.

I heard voices argue. There were at least 3 voices coming from the room. One was an old grumpily mans voice that was hard to make out. The 2nd was a younger mans voice, he had anger to his voice. Lastly the other voice was a woman's voice.

I over heard there conversation of attack. They couldn't agree on anything. They stopped talking for a brief second and one of them started walking towards the door.

I quickly hid in a closet that was nearby. It had a key hole that I could look through. It was the woman who came out the door.

She had long green hair and was fairly tall. She had green scales running down her neck, and had a snake tongue. She was followed by the other 2.

I recognized the young man. He was the man I fought in the exam tie breaker. This time however his hair was blood red.

The old man however he was hard to make out. He was in some sort of wheelchair, and had a magic scepter attached to it. Other than that his eyes were totally white like if he was blind.

The woman seemed frustrated. She said "I knew I sensed something, are my senses playing tricks on me." As soon as she said that she looked toward the closet I was in.

I was worried that I had been caught and started to hide behind the robes that were in their. She opened the closet. Then I heard her slam it shut.

She nearly broke the doors. Then the old man started talking and some grunts brought in another person. By this time I was already looking through the key hole again.

The woman showed her fangs and bit the person. At that point nothing happened, but a little later it started to take effect. The person killed the grunts and aimed towards the old man.

He used his scepter on the person. It calmed him down. That's when I realized that was what they were doing to hypnotize people.

They left the room and the person. I crawled out of that closet to see the person. I kept a safe distance away. The person was gasping for air and looking like they were dying.

I saw a black dagger on the wall. I slowly walked over to it and picked it up. It was heavier than I thought it would be. It had a graving on it.

The graving was in an ancient version of Thera's language. Thanks to the classes at the university I could tell what it said. It said "Ending Blade".

I thought almost nothing of it. I went back to the person and put him out of his misery, with a quick blow with the dagger. After taking it back it started glowing red.

The engravings changed. It now said "Blood Steel". I realized that it was a magic weapon.

This one was one that was fulled by death, loss, and rage. I kept the blade as my own and kept it secret from the others. I snuck my way back to our guild hall and gave the others the information I had gained.

I told them about the 3 possible leaders of the Human Hunters. I even told them how they magically brain washed people. But I never even thought about telling them about the person or what I did to him.

The very next day the young man with red hair came with a small but powerful army. He waited until we were all done with his men to face us himself. Mr. Reso even used the potion to give him his hour to help us.

The man yelled directly at me " you shall give me back my lady's blade, I know it was you who took it!". The others were confused as I hid the blade up my sleeve. He soon ran towards me as faster than I could see.

Mr. Reso could see and stepped in front of me and took the blow. This was the 2nd time he had sacrificed himself for me, but this time he was still standing. His time on the potion was almost up and he knew it.

The man kept attacking me and Mr. Reso kept protecting me. His potion ran out and he turned around. This time I didn't see evil in his eyes.

What his eyes did show was pride. Pride in what I had become even after I thought he was dead. He broke the hypnosis and he still kept his strength in me.

He turned around to the red haired man again. Still keeping his ground Mr. Reso was slain this time I knew he was dead. He was cut in half head to toe. While the red haired man was over confident now that I was by my self, I was filled with rage and couldn't stand to lose anyone anymore.

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