Chapter 11 Choice of Weapons

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This time unlike the dragon I could remember the fight as clear as day. The body magic I used against the dragon was back now surrounding my entire body. I fought with this magic without the blade.

I didn't even need the thing I dropped it to the ground, it was burning bright with the same color as my aura. I walked forward to him slowly. I could see hesitation in his eyes and fear in his mind. This fight wouldn't be anything like the one in the arena.

He quickly and as fast as he could attacked with a sword. It was surrounded by darkness magic. I could see him move now he even seemed slow to me now.

I caught his sword and broke it into millions of pieces. He tried to run away, but he couldn't run away fast enough. I broke the bottom half of his spine. He could no longer run away or run for that matter.

I was taking revenge on the person who killed someone close to me, but some thing didn't feel right. It felt like it was the wrong thing to do, and that this wasn't the revenge I wanted. I saw his dignity die along side him that day.

I felt regret in what I had done. I carried his body back to his guild and laid him down in the room that I had spied on the 3. I even saw the other 2 on the way out.

The girl looked both furious and fearful at the same time. While the old man seemed to be happy for some reason. I walked out as easy as I went in.

I picked up the dagger off the ground on my way back into our guild. My aura ended up disappearing, but my strength stayed.My magic even switched to what I seemed to have during the fight I had.

The magic seemed to be a combination of all of my elemental magics put together. The blade seemed to use the same magic. Although I got almost 1000x stronger my limit seemed nowhere near it's end.

I trained just as hard as we did before I got a power boost, but the other tried harder. My mother and father had found their limits soon after that day. I learned how to use the dagger's magic.

The dagger was like a wand, but harder to control, and a lot more dangerous. I even used it in the next attack. this time we took the fight to them.

We were able to take out every solider in there guild down. The high generals weren't there to fight us. So we took time helping ourselves to any information we could use.

I found the room where I had found the dagger. I went through the door that the high generals had previously left. I was amazed at what was in that room.

There were scrolls with a lot of information on the walls. There were maps of all of Thera. What most surprised me was the pictures they had. They had pictures of all of us.

They even had a picture of me from Earth. They new us more than we thought. They were creepy enough with out being stalkers.

I saw another door to the right of the pictures on the wall. I opened that one, but it was just a door to a wall. I thought that I should leave it alone, but something told me to move forward.

I broke down the wall and proceeded into a long hall way. At the end of the hall way there were 3 doors. One of them were locked.

I went to the one locked and broke it down. It seemed to be someones living quarters. I backed out and opened one of the others.

This one had many weapons, armor, and books. I walked in further to get a closer look. That was when my dagger started to glow and make a noise.

I tried to figure out what was making it do that. I set the dagger on the ground. Once I let go it flew strait to a shield. It was black as night and had engravings like my dagger. These engravings read "ultimate protector".

I took my dagger back from the shield and took the shield off the wall. I was a lot heavier than I thought. I had to use at least 70% of my power to lift the thing.

I put the shield on my back and headed to the 3rd room. In that room there was only one thing. It was a scroll that was almost clear.

I picked up the scroll which immediately turned red the writing on it was vague. All I could get out of it was that it had every thing that I had ever done and seen on it. It also had thing in my future but I only read a bare minimum to keep me from spoiling my own life from me.

When I turned back around the door was gone. I kept the scroll in my hands and read it to see how I would get out of here. When I tried to read the page suddenly went blank.

I now had to improvise. I rammed the wall with the shield. I even used my special magic, but it didn't even make a dent.

I put the scroll back on the pedestal that it was on. Then a door opened but not the on I came through. I sprinted down that hall way this one leading me to a room with another black engraved weapon. This one was a bow that said "forbidden shot".

I took it without hesitation. Then another door opened to stairs. I slowly went down the stairs. It led to the outside behind the guild hall.

I ran to the front and inside. The others were looking for me. Byto spotted me and ran to me. He announced to everyone that he found me.

They immediately asked about my well being. I said that I was fine. Then they asked about the weapons.

I told them how I found them, and laid them on the floor. I picked my dagger back up not willing to loose it. Owa picked up the shield to him almost weight less. That left Byto to take the bow.

Just like me with my dagger their weapons started glowing and the engravings changed. The shield now said "protective savior". The bow now said "lovers arrow".

They got a hold of there weapons fast. Owa could boost the shields defense like he could his own. Byto could use his magic to make arrows out of pretty much anything.

Dryme seemed jealous at the fact that we got weapons. He tried to look around the entire guild hall to find one for his own. He never found one so he burnt the place down.

They were going to be really mad about that. I was right the next day the serpent general showed up at our door step. Not knowing who it was Dryme opened that door. The rest can explain itself.

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