Happy (not quite there yet) Easter!

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Okay, I hadn't realised Easter had apparently already past a few days ago until my friend told me??? And I just??? What??? I'm so sad now??? Where're the bunnies??? The chocolate??? The eggs???

If I asked, my mum would just be like, "Well. That's what growing up is."

Internally, I am throwing a tantrum whilst screaming "Peter Pan was right!" in my head.

Anyway, I quickly scribbled a thing for Easter, even though it's already passed??? Sorry, I just don't understand how quickly it passed without me knowing.

Anyway, I quickly scribbled a thing for Easter, even though it's already passed??? Sorry, I just don't understand how quickly it passed without me knowing

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Enjoy Easter bunny Nevan! Sorry for the rushed work. I might continue working on this or something.

Edit: Okay, so I looked up online when Easter was, and you're all correct, it is at Sunday, next week. Why did I believe my friend!!??? She's a terrible person for making me sad about this. But thank god I have all of you to tell me that, otherwise I would've been extra surprised had Easter suddenly jumped at me again.

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