Chapter 1

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"Hi, it's Louis Tomlinson 1/5 of One Direction coming at you with the amazing Nick Grimshaw in London. I'm glad to be here Nick," I say looking like the perfectly trained beta I am.

"The pleasure is mine Louis, but I can't help but notice that you've come here alone," Nick said in a strong timber that only an Alpha can have.

"Yes, it's just me today I'm afraid," I say in a joking manner. "As we all know the others are married and are now on their honey moon."

I don't want to show how much that affected me, but I can't help it. My whole band is married and I'm forced to live a secret. That's right everyone I, Louis Tomlinson, am an omega but no one can know about that. To the outside world I'm the pack beta, at home when I'm alone I'm an omega who is being forced to hide and take suppressants to earn my praise. My family knows about this whole deal but don't care since they get paid to hide my secret. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but not only did I watch me pack mate and get married, I had to watch the only people who care about me leave me behind. I know that sounds dramatic, but my pack is moving on and I'm just here for the ride. I'm just here to be the betta of the pack, AKA the person they come to when they fight or need advice. The person who breaks a little more every time I help. I know you're probably thinking, why don't you leave and try to move on? Well, for starters I love them and being in the band, another reason being my contract is too binding. I can't come out as an omega unless I find a mate or pack that wants me. It's against the law to suppress omegas, since we're so rare, but management is threatening the band and I will do whatever it takes to protect them.

"Ahhh the wedding of the year as the papers are saying, how's that going?" Nick asks

"Well from what I know the lads love each other and maybe, if we're lucky, we'll get little pups." I say and my heartbreaks a little more as I say it.

"Oh pups what a thought. I wouldn't mind seeing such beautiful children," Nick says in a light joking voice, "I mean who wouldn't. As they band beta how do you feel about this new level their relationship has taken?" Nick asks me.

"It's lovely for them and I can only hope to find a love like they have. I hope I can find a nice mate who cares about me and would accept me into their pack." I say truthfully.

That's all I have permission from management to reveal. The fact that I'm a "Submissive Beta" also meaning that when I mate I'll be moved over to my mate's pack.

"Ah, I see. Does that mean you're a submissive beta?" Nick asks.

"Yes, I am a submissive beta, I'm looking for that perfect alpha or dominant beta who won't make me give up my career and dream." I say with a sad smile.

"Well there you go folk little Lou here is a sub ready to mingle. That's sadly all the time we have, Thank You for listening!" Nick says cheerfully.

I look at Nick once the show is over and he's already staring. I open my mouth to speak but he beat me to it in a way. He passed me his phone and asked me to put his number in. I didn't expect to get any suitors this fast, but maybe Nick and I can look past our differences and work out a relationship. Oh, lord listen to me I being stupid. I know that the only people out there for me have already mated with each other and don't want me, but I can't help but want to stay loyal.


A/N  Alright guys here's chapter one! I actually think this story can be great, should I keep writing it or just stop while I'm ahead? Please vote and comment what you think!! Love you guys!! See you next chapter!

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