Chapter 2

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Getting on the tour bus after the lads honeymoon is something I don't think I ever want to experience again. The lads had the bus transformed into a mobile nest and I have been given the back of the bus, far away from them. In the kitchen the table has changed and there are only 4 seats which is strange. I mean if you're going to remodel the bus at least remember there are 5 people. It doesn't matter anyways though. I think it's time I give them some room and ride a different bus. I'm talking to them about it today, there's no way I can stay here anymore without my heart breaking. This will be best for all of us, I mean i might even move on from them.t 

"Liam, I need to talk to you guys about something really fast," I say walking up to Liam.

All Liam does and nods standing up and calling the others to come to saying that we were going to have a chat about something. They all follow me to the front living area.

"I think it's time I start riding another bus," that gets their attention fast, "I mean it's nothing personal, you guys are mated and married and I'm just in the way," I say. Liam looks like he wants to interrupt but I keep going. "I mean you guys obviously feel like you need space and that's fine. With all the renovations that have been done there's only space for 4 on this bus and I know that the bands bus has extra space for me to use."

The boys all look at Liam for guidance and Liam finally gets his word in. "Louis we don't want you gone I know that we are mated but you're our back beta we need you here. There's always room for you, you know that. I don't know where you got all of this from," he said confused, but sternly.

I looked at them and didn't have the heart to tell them that they've already started forgetting me and just silently told them that I'd stay. I went to my bunk on my part of the bus and did something I thought I wouldn't do, call Nick.

"Hey Lou, any reason you're calling," Nick questioned.

"Yeah, I'd like to take up your offer on that date,"I answered confidently.

"Oh that's great love is tonight fine," Nick answered kindly.

"Tonight is fine," I say.

"Okay I'll come by in about 1 hour so, I'll be there at 6:30, is that okay love?"

"That's great. See you then." I hung up.

 Walking to my bag I went through all my clothes until I found something perfect. I get showered changed and do my hair. By the time I look at the clock it's exactly 6:30 and hear someone knocking on the bus door. I go to answer it only to see Harry already did and is questioning Nick on why he's here.

"Oh, I'm here to take Louis on a date," he answered Harry when I walked in. 

"But aren't you an alpha,"Harry questioned him.

"Yes, alphas can date submissive betas even if we can't mate," Nick said.

Oh crap, I forgot that the boys didn't know that I'm a submissive "Beta".

"Submissive beta? I didn't know that about Louis. I'm sorry Nick, but as a pack we need to talk to Louis," Harry said calmly.

"Oh it's fine I guess I thought you of all people knew  about him.You know before he told everyone on my show," Nick said turning around and leaving.

"Harry, I can explain this," I say trying not to make it a big deal, I mean it's not even the truth.

"No Louis, we have to talk as a pack."

"Since when have I been pack? You guys sure don't act like it," I scream at him.

"We definitely need to have a talk," Harry said walking out of the room to get the others. Boy am I screwed.


YAY!! New chapter that's actually getting somewhere in this plot!!!! Should I make Louis feminine or no what do you think? Please comment and vote it you enjoyed this!! Love you guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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