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DISCLAIMER : I do not own any of these characters besides Zoe Bradshaw. All rights belong to Jay Asher of 13 Reasons Why.

AUTHORS NOTE: Wow thank you so much for 300+ views! Y'all are amazing. Be sure to leave a request or suggestion in the comments and favorite if you are enjoying the story! All love. 


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The rest of the day could not have gone more slowly. It was an A day so I wouldn't have class with Zach and for that, I was thankful. Come lunch time, my appetite had already abandoned me so I spent my period in the library. Yet no matter how many books and magazines I went through, none of them provided any insight about how to resist his crooked grin and unmatched charm. Sure I had boyfriends in the past, sweet guys, but they never felt permanent. I didn't make close relations often but when I did, I fell into them hard. As much as I was excited to hang out with Zach, I wasn't naive. I knew that I was just a his latest challenge,another name to scratch off on his long list of girls. But I was okay with it. After I heard the news about Hannah, it made me want to enjoy life more, that it was took short not to take on a risk. 

And boy was Zach Dempsey a big one. 

As the final bell rang, I raced onto the bus, eager to grab a solo seat. After returning home, I texted Sierra, my best friend at Liberty High.

Z: So something happened...

S: Why weren't you in the cafeteria today? 

Z: I got asked out, tonight, after the bb game


Z: Zach Dempsey 

S: Oh hell no

After a 20 minute conversation through a lot of capital letters and strongly worded texts, Sierra agreed to come with me to the game tonight. Whether she agreed to provide moral support or to just make sure I didn't do anything stupid, my invite was promptly accepted and I would be picked up at 5:45.Being as the game was at 6, that left me two hours to get my homework done, shower, find a perfect outfit and get out the door. 

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After completing all of my class assignments, I jumped into the shower, in hopes that it would prepare me for the night to come. I felt like an idiot, lathering myself with candy apple soap and trying on five different outfits before settling on the first. I was nervous, but not because of Zach.  I was nervous because my life was mundane, ordinary. I was a prisoner to this monotonous cycle, day after wretched day I succumb to the basic normalities that ruled my life. Whether I was reading into it or it was simply the nerves, I was ready for a change.

My phone let out a vociferous tone which could only mean one thing, Sierra was here. I practically sprung out the door and landed into her 2008 Lexus, which was highly overdue for a wash. 

"Did you prepare yourself?"

"Prepare myself for what?" I inquired  

"Zach fucking Dempseyyyy" she yells, bringing her voice as low as it could go

We laugh in synch as she pulls out of my driveway and heads towards Liberty High. 

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The basketball game could not have gone by more slowly. It was as if I was watching a pit of sweaty gorillas, fight it out for the last bamboo shoot. Yet I couldn't help but keep my eyes glued to number 7. He moved swiftly down the court, his $200 Nikes practically gleaming as Zach gracefully dogged his opponents and took the open shot. It felt refreshing to see someone so passionate about something and I couldn't help but smile. 

"Did you just see that!" Sierra's voice interrupts my thoughts "Is it just me or is he staring right at you?!" 

And sure enough, I was met with an amorous smirk and a cheeky wink, making me forget about the emotional barrier that I supposedly put up. Zach fucking Dempsey. 

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After an hour of watching a ball be tossed from one side to another, the game ended 92-84, bringing Liberty High School to state qualifiers. The gym soon filed out so I said my goodbyes to Sierra and was off to find Zach. Surprisingly enough, he was looking for me too, throwing his hand in the air and waving at me from the sideline.  

"I hope my moves tonight made up for the courtyard incident" He chuckles 

"Hmm, I seem to be missing one more thing until I can fully forgive you" My playful tone washing away any hint of anxiety 

"And what does that seen to be huh?" 

"Milkshakes. Chocolate." By this point I could not contain my smile and let out a tiny giggle 

"Cherries and whip cream as well?" 


And with that he grabbed my hand and lead me outside, pulling me in a half sprint. His car was parked right outside the doors and we both hopped in to make our way to Johnston Diner. I was relieved when Zach instigated the conversation, causing the words fall out of my lips with ease. 

"So I've been meaning to ask you.." I carefully tread "Why'd you invite me out tonight?" 

"Ahh, I was waiting for this question to pop up. I knew your curious little mind couldn't help itself. Let me ask you this, why did you agree to come out with ME tonight?"

"Zach, you're deflecting. Please." 

He pulled into the parking space outside of the restaurant and then turned to face me. I watched  him bite on his lip as if unsure how to proceed this exchange.

"We never really talk in class-" I immediately cut him off, my brain spinning a hundred miles an hour

"Exactly which is why I want to know why you asked me-" 

"Zoe. Stop and let me finish." 

I met his gaze and sensed sincerity laced between his words, causing me to pause and relax 

"We never really talk in class, but when we do, you speak to me with such candor and perception that it makes me want to be better. To DO better. You're kind and sweet and everything that I strive to be. When I told you my dreams of becoming a marine biologist, you didn't laugh in my face. You pulled out a textbook and showed me a list of schools that offered basketball as well as  that degree. I mean- who does that?" 

He pauses and laughs wholeheartedly, sending vibrations through my body. I felt paralyzed. As if I couldn't move or speak or breath. No body every appreciated me that much. No body ever made me feel that wanted. We were seated so close to one another, I could feel the heat from his body radiate towards me. I was close enough to see a birthmark from on the corner of his mouth and could sense the tension that was pulling us closer together. Suddenly, some celestial entity took over me and I moved my lips onto his as his hand pulled me in closer. Everything was falling into place and I knew he could sense it too. But all I could think about was his arm on my waist and my hand on his cheek and for a moment, nothing else mattered. 

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