Chapter 1

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"Dancing bears,
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember. . ."

"Nana!" Katherine yelled, running down the hall to her grandmother's open arms. The older woman picked up the young girl and spun her around.

"I missed you!" Katherine giggled as her grandmother set her down, "Mama said you can tuck me in tonight."

Her grandmother, Elize, nodded, resting a hand on Katherine's small, freckled cheek, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you even more!" Katherine smiled, throwing her arms around her again.

"Let's get you in bed, it's already very late."

Katherine nodded walking down the long hall to her room.

"Goodnight Lucy!" She said, waving to her older sister passing by.

"Night Kathy." Her sister came over and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Why are you dressed all fancy?" Katherine asked.

"Mama and Papa are having a ball tonight, remember?"

"Why can't I go?"

"Because you're eight. You have a bedtime." Lucy giggled as Katherine crossed her arms in annoyance.

"Run along Lucy." Their grandmother said with a soft smile, placing her hands on Katherine's shoulders and steering her back to her room.

"Bye Nana!" Lucy called dashing down the hall.

Katherine walked into her bedroom and sat on her bed, her grandmother following.

"I have a present for you." Her grandmother said, reaching into her bag, "You know I'm going to Paris soon.  And I wish I could take you with me.  But I know you all will visit soon so this is just for you to remember me until we see eachother again."

Katherine leaned forward to look, eyes wide with eager anticipation.

Her grandmother pulled out a small circular box, she took off the necklace she'd been wearing and stuck the edge into the keyhole; twisting it a few times.  She unlatched the box and the top opened, revealing two people ballroom dancing as the song played softly.

"It's our lullaby!" Katherine cried in glee.

Elize nodded, taking Katherine's hand and swaying it back and forth.

"Dancing bears,
Painted wings,"

"Things I almost remember. . ." Katherine joined.

"And a song, someone sings, once upon a December." They finished together and quickly turned as they heard clapping from the doorway.

"Papa!" Katherine cried, jumping from her bed to hug her father.

Her father picked her up and kissed the top of her head, "Have you been a good girl for Nana tonight?"

"Oh Joseph, she would never be a trouble." Elise laughed, waving her hand.

"I'm not too sure about that," Pulitzer smiled, poking Katherine's cheek, "She can be a trouble maker."

He set Katherine back on her bed and pet her atop the head.  Katherine got under her covers and laid on her pillow.  Her grandmother set the music box on the nightstand next to her and gave Katherine a kiss, pressing the necklace into her palm.

"Jó éjt, kedvesem." Her grandmother whispered.

"Jóéjt Nana." Katherine smiled, waving to her as she walked away.

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