Chapter 9

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Can this be the evening? Can this be the place?. . .


Davey didn't get another word out before Katherine let out a small shriek and fell off the bed leaving where she had be laying against Jack moments before.

Jack shoved a pillow over his face, "Go away Dave."

"I come to check on Katherine and you guys are basically doing the fRICKIDY FRA-"

"We did not!" Jack and Katherine yelled at the same time, shooting upright.

Davey crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes.

Katherine looked at the clock and her eyes widened.


"Just how long did we sleep?!" She said.

"Are you sure you were sleep-"


"Alright alright.  Get your butts up because we need to get ready for the ballet tonight.  Clara is coming over to help you get ready Katherine."

"Right now?"

"You need to look perfect if you're going to meet the Duchess."

Katherine sat back up on the bed nodded as Jack climbed off, kissing her cheek and walking out; Davey quickly trailing behind.

"Tell me everything."

Jack smiled at Davey and rolled his eyes, "Shut up."


"We are gonna get you all glammed up girly!" Clara said excitedly.

"We're gonna what?" Katherine asked from where she sat at the vanity in the room.

"You're gonna look pretty.  Just like a princess."

Clara pulled out a blue dress that had sleeves that hung off of the shoulders.

"It's beautiful." Katherine breathed out, walking over to her and touching the fabric softly.

"It's tailored just for you.  Go try it on!" Clara said excitedly shoving Katherine towards the bathroom at giving her the dress.

Katherine hesitantly went into the bathroom and closed the door. She held up the dress and looked at it carefully. It was the most expensive thing she'd owned- or remembered owning.

"Wow." She said softly.

She stripped of her pajamas and stepped into the dress, pulling it up so it lay against her.

"Clara!" She said.

"Yeah?" Came Clara's voice from the other side of the door.

Katherine opened the door, "Can you zip this for me?"

Clara nodded excitedly, nearly turning Katherine around herself just so she could zip it faster. Katherine heard the zipper go up and turned around. Clara gasped and put a hand to her mouth.

"What? What's wrong?" Katherine asked.

"Nothing. . . You look gorgeous." Clara whispered before leading Katherine to the mirror.

Katherine was stunned to say the least. The dress looked gorgeous on her and she looked like true royalty.

"Now let's get that hair done." Clara smiled, putting her hands on Katherine's shoulders.


"Why do we's have to dress all fancy?" Jack whined as a 5 year old would while straightening his tie.

"Because it's at the palace." Davey replied for the hundredth time, "At least put some gel in your hair."

"Hell no." Jack said quickly, "Nothing will touch my hair."

Davey rolled his eyes and scoffed, fixing his own hair in the mirror.

"Well we promised the girls we'd meet them downstairs so let's get a move on." Davey said.

"Fine fine. Whatever."


The two waited in the lobby of the hotel for Clara and Katherine.  Jack bounced on his feet nervously.

"Geez Jack, calm down.  You look like you gotta go to the bathroom."

Jack was about to say some sarcastic remark back but the elevator doors dinged open and the girls walked out.

Clara wore a simple green dress with a belt and heels.  She also had her short blonde hair curled.

Jack's breath stopped when he saw Katherine step out.  Her dress stopped right at her ankles where you could see the blue heels she was wearing.  Some of her hair was twisted and flipped so it looked like a crown of hair.  She had long white gloves to her elbows that seemed to lengthen her arms.  The dress cinched at her waist and showed her curves leading into the skirt that seemed to make her float.  It seemed to him that time was in slow motion.  He wanted to take this moment and capture it in his mind forever; to remember every single detail there was.  He gulped nervously before walking over.

"Well don't you look handsome." Katherine grinned.

Jack chuckled lightly before taking Katherine's hand and pressing his lips to it.

"You look more beautiful than anyone I've ever seen." He smiled.

Katherine took a nervous breath.

"Hey, it'll be okay.  You've got this." Jack smiled gently, putting his hands on her shoulders.

Katherine nodded before Jack gave her a quick kiss.

"If you lovebirds would get a move on, we have a ballet to get to!" Clara yelled from the hotel doors causing them both to jump.

Katherine rolled her eyes with a smile.  Jack outstretched his arm for her.

"Shall we?"

"We shall." Katherine smiled, taking his arm.

She took a deep breath and crossed her fingers behind her back as they walked out of the hotel doors.

Yes yes it's been forever! I deeply apologize.  I've had senior year homework like you wouldn't believe and then graduation and college auditions and wow.  It's been wild guys.  But since the Broadway Anastasia album was released, I decided to update! So yaaaaaaay! I want to cosplay Anastasia so badly😭💖

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