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'Clementine, I-I can't hold for to long. Healing your body is one thing but your h-'

'Cass honey, I understand you've been doing it through all this time, it's meant to be...'

I felt sadness overcome me, I knew this would have happened someday. It's been years since I took my medication. I couldn't afford it, I was homeless I had nowhere to live and no one to go to.

'I can slow down the process for a couple of months but I can't stop it.... I'm sorry sweetie'

I sat down on the soft bed, I was given this guest room a couple of weeks ago, after his highness visit. But I haven't seen him since, I'm glad. I ran my hand through my white hair, yes white I was born that way, I guess that's why I was neglected. I sighed as I ruffled my hair up, I had this rare sickness, for us wolves getting sick was a very abnormal thing, but what I have wasn't abnormal, it was deadly.

It's called Wisphernoial Levity, it weakens the heart and lungs, it also makes you space out a lot and I don't mean the dreamy kind, it's like you stopped in time while the world just kept going. It's not memory loss either confusing I know. If Cass slowed it down I have a couple of months to live, then I'm gone.

The knocking on the door snaped me out of my thoughts "Come in" my voice came out weak, I almost didn't recognise my self, a petite young girl came in, she was in her late teens, early twenties. Her chocolate skin was covered by a cute black and white maid outfit, with which stockings that reached up to her knees and back flats.

"Mr King is expecting you in his office"

Excuase moi! who the hell does he thing he is.

'Your king...and mate'

'That bastard is no mate of mine!'

"Tell Mr King that if he wants something, then he could get off his ass and come get it" Smirking, with that I closed the door in her face.

'What are you doing Clementine! Are asking for a death wish?!'

'..I don't have to ask, I don't have to ask'

I blocked her off before she can carry on, a pang hit my chest, I'm gonna die, and nothing can change that. The bang of the door startled me, as King came in looking furious, he came over to where I'm sitting and suddenly stopped? He started sniffing around the room his nose scrunching up in cut- am I in heat?!

'You're not marked idiot...He can sense that something's wrong'

'As long as he can't smell that we're dying, we're good'


His eyes turned black, great his wolf is in charge. He got to his knees in front of me, now that's a sight, "Mate, What's wrong?" Yeah like I'm gonna ever tell you. "What do you want King?!" I snarled, they are both one.

"M-me no King, Astro" He said pointing his forefinger to his chest, he had this innocent look that covered his face, like a baby. I stared my heart breaking by the minute, why couldn't King be like him? Adorable.

"Hey Astro, I'm Clementine" Smiling I extended my hand out for a shake, but he looked at me nervously, clearing his throat, "C-can Astro hug Clementine?" I think I just died.


His tattooed arms warming me as they took me in to his chest, my face buried into his neck like his buried into my hair, I closed my eyes as I took in his scent, I smiled this will most probably the closest I will ever get to him. I giggled as his nose tickled my neck, "Mate is ticklish".

"Roses and chocolate"

"I smell like roses and chocolate?!" I felt him nodding his face, " Astro's favourite" Can he get any cuter? Yes, he can.

I was harshly pushed to the back as Astro let go of me, my back hit the edge of the little table beside the bed, opening one of my wounds. I looked up confused, why did he do that? but I soon got my answer, King is back.

His back was to me, clinching his fist as he breathed deeply and not even a second later the door slammed shut after him, and I was left staring at the empty place he once stood.

I looked down at the black jacket I was wearing, it smells like him. Throwing it on the floor, I headed into the bathroom fixing the open stitches that he caused. I wasn't healing like I'm suppose to, since Cassy was giving all her energy to keep us alive, I was left healing like a human or maybe even slower.

The reflection on the mirror wasn't me anymore, it was a girl that looks like she's living the life, her white hair wet from the shower she just took her pail skin smooth, but she wasn't fooled, anyone that would consentrate on her teal eyes will know the story behind. No one ever do though, no one bothered for the past 24 years, and no one will bother now.

A rogue, my life is being taken away from me cause he thinks I'm a rogue, pathetic. It was dark out already, the bright stars were covering the sky, I looked up to the moon knowing that the Moon Goddess was looking over me.

It's what I liked to think, to think that I am not alone in this world. That even after all this crap that is happening to me, someone is taking their time and looking after me.

King  ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now