The big disaster

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"Spike, I can-I can explain", rarity said as she saw spike.

"Don't even try it, RARITY, I-I know how you feel about me now".

"No no no no no spike, it's not how it seems, just let me explain, please". As rarity tried to hold spike, he pushed her aside and ran out of sugar cube corner, running back to his house. The girls try to stop him but he was to quick.

"OH NO NO NO NO, SPIKE COME BACK, come on girls.

"Wait I'm coming too".

"You've done enough damage today, RARITY", applejack said angrily at rarity.

Spike was running as fast as he can to the house, even faster than rainbow dash, but the girls started to catch up to him.

"Spike...... please........ wait", twilight said gasping for air.

"I....... SAID.....", POOF (twilight using her magic to teleport to spike) POOF " ....WAIIIT". Spike tumbles over twilight as she was trying to stop him. he gets back up and bashes the door open and runs to his room

"Spike, wait, talk to me".

"No, get away from me", said spike as he slamed the door, SLAM!!!!!

Twilight loked out of spikes room trying to open the door,cant break in to talk to him.

"Spike, please open the door, I wanna talk to you".

"Leave me alone twilight, it's obvious of how rarity feels about me"

"Spike, you know the didn't mean it".

"You were right twi, she doesn't care about me".

"Spike I didn't say that".

"Yes you did, you said, and I quote "you know how she feels about you, right, that obviously meant that she didn't like me, and I should have listen to you, *sniff*, you were right, now please..... leave me alone".

After hearing spike, twilight became very upset, so she decided to grab a pillow and blanket and wait in front of spike's door.

"Well if you won't come out now, then I'll wait for you to come out".

Twilight sat in front of spikes bedroom door and waited for spike to come out.

Spike, in his room, thinking about what happened.

("Why, why me, why couldn't she just tell the truth, sure I may have been upset about it but at least I would have known the truth")

Then spike heard Some crying coming from out of his room, he went closer to the door and pressed his ear against the door. it was twilight, she was crying. If there's one thing spike doesn't like is his friends lying to him, but if there's one thing other thing that spike hates is seeing twilight, his birth mother (twilight hatched spike from his egg with magic), crying and upset. Then out of the darkness, spike begins to cry, crying himself to sleep, thinking about twilight.

"What am I gonna do", said spike thinking to himself.

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