Fighting the Odds (A Lord of the Rings Fanfiction)

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Alright, here we go! I do not own anything except the characters I create, the Benders and Ibilissa. Enjoy!

The young Bender given very little information on the subject of what she was to protect. All that Gandalf the Grey had told her was that the One Ring had surfaced in the Shire, and was in the possession of a hobbit. And that's the direction she headed in now, to meet with an old friend of hers. He intended to defend the bearer of the Ring as well. She looked forward to seeing her friend, who she had not seen in years. She was not tthe same girl that she was all that time ago, however.

She had left her horse, Vega, in Rohan as she made her way through. The young woman had borrowed another horse, as Vega had already traveled quite a long distance. The Bender had been stationed in Rohan, and things were not well in the country. The king was nothing more than a puppet for a cowardly, sniveling man. And his own nephew had been cast out. The people were starving and were losing faith and hope in their country. That's why she was sent there. Her own country, Ibilissa was responsible for the protection of Middle Earth, as they had powers that would allow them to do so. Her kin were becoming few in number, though, and evil was rising. It was imperative that she take up the duty of protecting the hobbit who had the One Ring.

She had been traveling nonstop for days now, and it was starting to effect her. Weariness plagued the girl, but she was so close now. The Bender couldn't stop, especially now that she had sensed tthe great evil hunting the Bearer.

The young woman wore a dark green cloak, its hood pulled up to conceal her face from any prying eyes. She was unusual compared to other women, as she had a sword strapped to her belt and a bow and quiver of arrows on her back. A silver eagle pendant hung from her neck and bounced with the movements of the horse's gate. She knew that she was near to her destination when her horse started to act up. It was afraid of something nearby, and the young woman knew exactly what it was. They were already there.

She dismounted and had to remind herself that the horse she rode required to be tied to a tree, so it wouldn't bolt. Cygnus had not needed this, as she was incredibly well-trained. The young woman then took off in the direction of the sounds of fighting and shouting. She sprinted through the woods, coming into a clearing where ruins of a building remained. She saw four hobbits and a man that she instantly recognized. He had long brown hair and grey eyes that appeared wild in the midst of battle. On normal circumstances, she would be thrilled to see him. But he and the others were surrounded by Nazgul. Not normal whatsoever. She ran in their direction, her long legs carrying her as fast as possible.

Strider looked up as a figure hurtled over a fallen pillar. He grinned as he tried to fend off the Nazgul. The ranger was relieved to see the woman that would aid him in fighting of the wraiths. Her eyes began to glow a teal color from beneath the shadow of her cowl and flames sprung up in front of the enemy. It was her alright.

"I was beginning to think that you weren't going to show, Spiriteyes!" Strider shouted to her as the Bender caused the flames to burn higher and brighter.

"And miss a fight? Come now, Strider, you know me. And I have not been called that in many years." she replied, chuckling despite the situation they found themselves in. The two had managed to drive most of the Nazgul away when they heard a scream of pain from behind them. They spun around to see that a hobbit with dark hair was lying on the ground. He had been stabbed.

"No!" the girl shouted and ran over to the hobbit. She did not know it, but she had scared the Witchking away from the little fellow, saving both him and the Ring. Strider fended of the last Nazgul and joined the girl, who was kneeling in front of the hobbit. He was wounded badly and it was unclear if he would make it.

"Strider! Help him, Strider!" cried one of the hobbits. This one was a bit chunkier than the rest and had strawberry-blond hair. Strider looked down at the injured hobbit, attempting to hide his worry.

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