Author's Notes and Thank You's

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Hey everybody! I have a couple of announcements and notes for you all.

I decided to continue on onto the Two Towers within this book. I'm testing out a way to distinguish between sections by dividing them into Books (Kinda like how the Fellowship of the Rings is). How do you guys like it so far? I can change it if necessary.


⭐️ The Ibilissan language is Latin. Some of the names are Roman, such as Justus.

⭐️ Zara and Asher, Ara's mother and uncle, are twins!

⭐️ Reyna will play an important part in this series. I can't go into too much detail, but she hasn't been forgotten.

⭐️ The benders were absolutely inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender.

⭐️ I have been working hard to try to build an Ibilissan culture. It is based off of some aspects of real cultures. An example is Norse burial practices. If you'd like to see more of that let me know!

⭐️ I am an Anthropology and History major interested in Repatriation. I will be interning this summer at the New York State Museum.

⭐️ Many of you may know this, but Vega is actually a star in the Lyra constellation (I am obsessed with the sun, moon and stars).

If anyone has questions about me, my major, or anything, let me know!

Thank You's:
I want to thank everyone for sticking with me. It has been a very difficult couple years both writing-wise and mental health wise. That is why it has taken so long to complete these chapters and series. I absolutely love thes characters I have created and want to give them the interesting story I can. I appreciate all of your feedback and support.

I love you all, and any feedback is very appreciated!


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