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Rosie's ah murder meh.

Yo, it's a good ship okey. I have proof so shut up and listen.

1) Montéque literally risked his life to go and deliver the letter to Miki. He could've asked Hunter or one of Constance's minions to go and do it but NOPE he did it himself when he didn't need to!

2) Montéque protected Miki no matter what the cost and when the Demons let an opening slip, he PASSED on it so that he could stay with Miki and try to save her even though he knew he could have definitely died.

3) Montéque knew that Miki was sexually assulted before so why did he get so fucking mad when the Demons tried it when he was locked up? I get it, he feels that he should have saved her but keep in mind that this was the moment when Montéque was regretting all his life choices of coming there to save Miki. He should have worried about himself first, he was always that kind of person.

4)  He would do anything to feel the same pain that Miki did from then after. If she tripped and fell and scrapped her knee, he would litterally fucking skin his knee with a knife to feel the pain that she did. Why is he so attached to Miki like this?

5)  He offered his left eye to Miki after they both had their right eyes gouged out. When Constance gave them replacements, they got the exact same ones.

6) Montéque is literally always picking her up and hugging her.

7) THEY FUCKING KISSED ONCE OMG IT WAS SO PERFECT AHHHHHHHHHHH--- shut up I knew they were both high and it was a dare or something okay but they still kISSED AND YOU CAN'T SAY SHIT ABOUT THAT- ***gets dragged away***

8) Montéque nearly committed suicide in the Reverse だいへん の ち から よ after Miki died, like why would he do that! Oh yea he was like 5 steps away from going insane, he was mentally immobilized after that.

9) When Miki woke up in 血から の 世界, Montéque CRIED!! Like, CRIED! The Montéque who never cries!

10) Erika ships it. Erik WOULD ship it but TECHNICALLY he's a fundanshi, so according to Rosie's dumbass logic, he doesn't ship it ;_; Constance ships it! Xero ships it! CATELLA SHIPS IT!! (I forced) HUNTER (to) SHIP(S) it!!

11) Montéque doesn't want Miki to get a boyfriend and Miki doesn't want Montéque to get a girlfriend.


13) Miki can't live without Montéque too, and she often says that she wouldn't be a living being anymore without him because he is her emotional and physical support.

14) Miki is an audio producer and Montéque is her main rapper. That fits together so perfectly!!

15) They dedicated their lives to protect each other. Don't like, lovers do that??

16) Montéque is close to Catella and the other Nanomis too. So, why is he specifically so close to Miki? He also has been through trauma with Catella. And Serena was the first Nanomi he met so wouldn't you suppose that he would be closest to her, rather than the girl Miki who costed his life to save?

17) Montéque and Miki have a secret language. Who knows how much they flirt in this language.

18) They don't do anything without consulting one another.

19) Everyone mistakes them for a young dating couple because they always act so cutesy together in public and say things that a couple would say.

20) I ship it.

You can't say shit Rosie!! I can write more you know. Also, Andy, Haruka and Akira ship it. Tsubasa doesn't ship it though, so he, you, and the dead PS4 are against us. FiGHT mE M8!!

Hmf, hurry up and develop more of Demon City, I need more hints for Mikzucest!!!!!!!!!!

I guess you could say that Montékishipping is very... narcissistic. *baduntss*

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