Chapter Twenty-Two

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Molindi had been borderline-obsessed with Rex and General Skywalker before she'd met them. She could recall a time ages ago, back in her first few weeks as a leader in the Republic army, when she'd first heard the heroic stories of the two men, how they were said to be the deadliest duo of Jedi and clone to ever take arms (with Master Kenobi and his commander, Cody, being a close second). Stories about them saving whole civilizations and taking down the highest Separatist leaders captivated Molindi and gave her a goal to strive towards, goals being something that isn't easy find when you're doing the same kinds of missions over and over again. The legends revolving around the two were...well...legendary.

She was still having a hard time believing all of this wasn't just one of her bizarre dreams.

At first when the conversation of ping-pong started up a few hours prior, Commander Rino had been worried that she'd say something stupid, or that she'd come off too excited and seem like any other generic  woman head-over-heels for the general and his right-hand man. But after sharing a few stories (with the excited and exaggerated aid of JC) and hearing some tales of war from the two legends themselves, her palms lost their sweaty sheen and her heart could beat at a normal pace. Molindi even found herself laughing at one point when General Skywalker mentioned an embarrassing prank that had taken place between Rex, himself, and the rest of the 501st involving a container of edible green dye and their cruiser's water supply.

"Their teeth were green for weeks," Master Skywalker smirked. "Rex could tell I'd done something questionable when I started filling  a number of water bottles for myself, so he'd been smart and did the same before I could put the dye in the water filtration system. The rest of the men weren't as bright about it, but the looks on their faces when their teeth changed colors..." The general chuckled, then let out a sigh and the smile fell from his face. "I'm going to miss them."

Before Molindi could ask what he meant by that, Twar appeared in the view-port before them. Off in the distance, Naboo could be seen a little ways away, the green and the blue shades of the planet giving it a beautiful, bright, friendly aesthetic.  

Twar was the exact opposite.

Instead of the pleasant, cheery blues and greens that claimed Naboo as their own, Twar was plagued with bloody reds, putrid yellows, and blacks dark as night. If you squinted hard enough, it kind of looked like Dathomir. But the complete comparison of Twar to Dathomir would've been too generous- it was more like Dathomir's uglier sister, since Dathomir didn't have such a snotty-yellow to its surface. At first glance, Twar was the least attractive planet Molindi had ever seen. 

"E-ew," JC stuttered in disgust and folded her mechanical arms. "If I weren't a droid,I-I'd be gagging right now."

"Definitely not the prettiest place I've been to." General Skywalker commented, although Molindi could tell from his facial features that he was trying not to grimace. A glance at Rex showed he, too, was trying not to show disgust.

"I h-hope it doesn't smell as bad as it looks," The droid remarked.

"You can't smell." Commander Rino pointed out.

"I-I meant for your sake."

"I'll go tell the men we're here," Rex stood up and was about to exit the small room when the ship's nose suddenly jolted downwards. JC let out a squeal of shock and the robot quickly clamped her metal fingers  around the back of Molindi's seat to keep her balance. Rex hadn't been as lucky. When the ship lurched, the clone slipped in his new, Twaran boots and lost his footing. But, as if by instinct, Molindi's hand shot out and quickly grabbed his arm, catching him before the soldier could fall face-first into the cold, hard floor. 

"Sorry Rex, just some turbulence." Master Skywalker turned his head towards the clone and apologized, though the sly smirk that appeared on his lips when he faced the controls once more were anything but apologetic. If Commander Rino didn't know any better, she would've said he looked smug, even mischievous, almost like he'd done it on purpose. 

It was then that Commander Rex noticed just how close he was to the woman and quickly got to his feet. Though he wasn't looking in her direction, it wasn't hard for anyone to tell that his face was getting slightly pink and he pressed his bare hand against the back of his neck.

"Nice reflexes," The clone commented.

Before she could reply, or even ask if he was alright, the man disappeared down into the ship's passenger-hold.


"Alright, men,"

The chattering among the two groups immediately halted as the sound of Commander Rex's voice rang loud and clear through the room and he began to walk between the two rows of troopers. It was strange to the clones to see their leader out of his usual uniform, though they were pretty sure they all looked considerably weirder in their chiseled-chest plates and metal helmets.

"We're entering Twar's atmosphere. When we land, your responsibility of protecting both Commander Rino and I begins. Do not take this mission lightly just because if everything goes according to plan, your job will mainly consist of standing around and looking pretty. These witches are not as dull-minded as the tinnies we're used to."

Axel, Breaks, Risk, and Tyson, along with Rex's own men, listened carefully with their weapons at their sides as he spoke.

"If we take even one step out of line, or show a single suspicious sign that might be unusual to them, we're dead meat. They will immediately know we're not who we say we are and take action. If the plan goes haywire, its up to you to make sure we all get out safely."

At that news, it felt as if everyone in the room suddenly became alert. Sitting on the edges of their seats, the clones continued to listen to what could've been a warning, a pep-talk, or something in between. 

"I have faith in you, men. All of you. And I know you won't let me, Commander Rino, or each other down."

Then the ship landed.

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