Chapter Fifty

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"This is outrageous!"

Agnacia threw another clay vase against the wall in a fit of anger and it clashed with a violent shattering noise as the decoration made contact with the green vines. The broken pieces fell to the mossy carpet soundlessly and the plant-like surface seemed to absorb the fractals into the ground below. Off to the right of the woman, the wall began to open up and produced another vase, to which the queen's sister took hold of and sent flying across the room once more to break into sharp chunks and be absorbed again.

Even with the witch causing much more of a disturbance than the queen had ever seen before, Asemdi still felt the room to be the quietest it had ever been in her entire life.

"How could we have let this happen?"


"Right under our very noses!" She gripped another vase so hard that the neck of the object began to crack, sending spiderwebs of fissures across its surface. Asemdi listened absentmindedly from her seat at the head of the room. With her elbow propped on the armrest and her chin resting in her hand, it hadn't been hard to lose track of her younger sister and the number of pots and decorative china the woman destroyed. The queen had much more concerning thoughts on her mind anyway. "We invited them into our home! A bunch of impostors! We even offered them a place at our table! Which they denied because they have no respect for our way of life! Those...those...heathens!"


"And then they have the gall!" Agnacia took two vases this time, one in each hand and gestured with them in a furious flurry of movements to emphasize her rage. "The audacity! To participate in a sacred right of passage to glorify our gods when they probably had no idea what they were doing!"


"Calm yourself, sister," Asemdi finally spoke in an annoyed tone after a lifetime's worth of shattered clay was absorbed by the floor. "The situation is being handled. We weren't the only people in this galaxy the Republic and its recent meddling has disturbed. The Separatists are just as furious as you-"

"The Separatists can kiss my cantai!" The next vase sailed through the air and landed a little too close to Asemdi's seat for her liking; the queen got to her feet and opened her mouth to scold her younger sibling, but Agnacia wouldn't have it. "If they truly cared, they wouldn't have sent only one of their sith lords for protection! Especially not their weakest one! That spy wasn't even a witch and the girl got her cantai handed to her on a platter like it was a main coarse meal!"

"Enough!" Asemdi yelled and a fiery green glow began to fill the room, flowing from the woman's body like a wave and climbing up the vine walls in a dealthy hue. "Give the girl a chance to redeem herself, she is truly one of us after all."

"The witches on Dathomir did us no favors when fighting for our independence, when fighting for our way of life!" Agnacia rebounded. "They forfeited our practices and looked down upon us when we refused to halt our acts! They are just as much the enemy as the Republic!"

The argument came to a sudden pause when another presence in the room made itself known and the bald, female sith apprentice stepped out from the shadows, her face a blank slate but her emotions as fluent through their senses as if Ventress was speaking out herself. But the words that left her mouth said nothing of her fury towards the queen's sister and her shaming phrases.

"I have tracked down the spies through the sewer system as you requested."

"Very good," Asemdi nodded in acknowledgement. "I expect my guards have that section blocked off until our reinforcements arrive?"

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