Chapter Thirty-Five

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When they'd finally agreed on what move the entourage would make the following day, they looked at the time and calculated that the most sleep the soldiers could get would be six hours before daybreak, give or take. Exhausted from a long day of new peculiarities and knowing that the next day would undoubtedly bring more, Molindi decided to relieve Axel of watch-duty early.

"Commander," Axel said in a soft voice upon her approach, his tone a little more composed than it had been the last time they'd spoken to each other. Needless to say, he'd learned his lesson, though both of them knew there would be a lot of ground work to cover before getting to a point where they'd consider the other their friend. Which was fine by Molindi; anything that wasn't shouting at each other was progress in her book. "You're not due for another hour."

"Can't sleep," She whispered back, with Rex standing off to the side, watching the interaction between the two carefully. "Figured if I'm going to be awake anyway, might as well let you get some rest. No point in the both of us losing sleep, plus I need you at your best in the morning."

For the first time in what seemed like ages, he gave her a small smirk. Then sent her a subtle nod of thanks before walking over to the circle of sleeping bodies, both commanders watching him go. Molindi took a deep breath and sat down on the floor, her back resting against the wall about a yard away from Rex.

A couple minutes of silence passed before Rex's soft voice filled the too-still air.

"You have nightmares," Though she assumed he meant it as a question, the way he said it sounded more like an observation, a statement of something he desired confirmation of. Thinking of no other way to respond, she smiled a small half-smile and pulled her knees up against her chest, her arms wrapping around her shins and her eyes looking up at the glowing chandelier overhead.

"Who doesn't have nightmares these days..." An observation like his own, then a little something more. "I'm jealous of the people who don't have to deal with 'em."

Another few minutes of silence passed and Rex had just about worked up enough nerve to compliment her acting skills, since he'd noted just how good she and JC had done with the kids earlier, when Molindi spoke up instead.

"Are you sure you're alright with the plan?" She asked him, double-checking to make sure Rex was one-hundred percent ready for what would take place in the morning. "It's not required to have two others at my side for this, I can handle this on my own. It isn't too late to back out yet." He couldn't help but smile silently to himself at the sound of that, at the attempt she was making to talk him out of his decision.

"With all due respect, commander, there's no convincing me into backing out of this," He started. She shifted her gaze down from the ceiling, glancing at him for a split second before staring at the green carpet. "Besides," he smirked. "What kind of husband would I be if I didn't support my wife?" Molindi looked at him with eyes as big as the plates their food had been carried on before smirking herself at his joke.

Without any real rhyme or reason, their small grins turned into silent chuckles, then muffled laughter as the two tried to contain their temporary instability. Maybe it was a lack of sleep that made the joke so funny, or nerves for the morning exposing themselves for what they were really feeling.

Or maybe, just maybe, Molindi Rino had found a friend in Rex.


The morning came by much quicker than they inticipated. Apparently, a normal day on Twar didn't start when the sun came up- it started two whole hours before. The group of soldiers learned that bit of information an hour and a half earlier than they would've liked, though they were all thankful for what little sleep they managed to obtain.

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