Welcome to Truth or Dare!!

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-Hello Random people on WattPad! My name is Random~Chan and ill be your host tonight on Truth or Dare! I say

Aphmau- Who are you?
Katelyn- Do we know You?

-Nope! Okay now to the good stuff. Your first Dare is from ThisGirls_namedSarah. She Dares everyone to eat 1 raw Egg!

Garroth- Ewww! No Way!
Aphmau- Where are you going to get the raw Eggs Anyway?!

Suddenly, with my magical kitty powers, I made a bunch of eggs appear. I gave one to everyone.

-Okay Guys! Eat Up!!

Katelyn- I would rather kiss Travis!
Travis- YAY!

-Okay fine, Katelyn you pass but you have to kiss Travis. (Dogs4everrr this one is for you :3)

Katelyn- Grrr... Fine.
Travis- This is the best day of my life.

Everyone ate their raw egg and Katelyn and Travis kissed. They kissed for 5 seconds and broke up. Katelyn punched Travis and Travis fell on the ground. I went over to Travis. He was out cold.

-Wow Katelyn. I'm surprised he's not dead yet.

Laurence- I'm surprised I'm not dead yet. That egg was DISGUSTING!

-Hey! Well don't kill me! Kill Sarah!

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