The Goddess of shipping

75 4 18

-We got another 2 dares!

Aphmau: Oh-no.
Kawaii~Chan: Is the dare going to be a bad one?

-I'm not sure.....

Katelyn: Wait.....what? Aren't you  supposed to have the dares?

-Y-yeah... but I don't have it this time.

Wolfy: Then who has it?
Katie: I have it!
Aaron: Oh-no....


Katie: HA! No, I just like to make everyone freak out!

Aaron T-T
Kawaii~chan: Kawaii~Chan just got a letter!


Kawaii~Chan: It says; @Unicorn_bliss dares Kawaii~Chan to summon the shipping Goddess! Oh~~ Yeah! Kawaii~Chan can do that!

Kawaii~Chan took a step back and started to mumble weird words and started to do jestures with her hands. Some mist started to erupt and a person with a unicorn horn pops out of the mist.

Shipping Goddess: You summoned me?
Kawaii~Chan: Ahhhh! I can't believe it worked! Does this mean that I can ask three questions about shipping? like in the legends?!
Shipping Goddess: That is correct.
Kawaii~Chan: Oooh! Okay! I got o--
Laurance's Ghost: Will Laurmau sail~?
Kawaii~Chan: Hey! I'm the one that summoned her!

-Go away Laurance! No one wants you here!

The goddess turns arounds and shakes an orb that is in her hands. She turns back around and looks at us.

Shipping Goddess: Your awnser is NO. (She said in a god voice)

Ghost Laurance pounts and vanishes

Wolfy: Will Zane~Chan sail?

The goddess turns around. Kawaii~Chan and Zanes's faes turn a bright red. The goddess turns back around.

Shipping Goddess: Your awnser is YES.

Kawaii~Chan faints and Zane looks down.

-Ohhh! My turn! My turn! Will Aarmau sail?

She turn around and shakes the orb

Shipping Goddess: Your awnser is.....try again later? Grrr... don't fail me now!

She turns around, her orb turning out to be a magic 8 ball.

Shipping goddess: One sec....

She sakes it again. She grunts in annoyance


-.-.-.-@FanFicAphmmau Died by Ultima_Aaron-.-.-.-

-RIP Toast

-.-.-.- FanficAphmau respawns at the truth or dare torchure circle-.-.-.-



Toast: Now, what did I miss?

Katie: *Inhales dramaticly*

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