She's my Ga-in

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The next day...

Kwill's POV

As I am waiting for Changmin and his friend, I reflected on what I'm here for...


On the phone...

CM: "Hyung! Will you do me a favour?"

Kwill: "What is it?"

CM: "You see... My friend, she is a fan of yours. She wants to meet up with you. Is it okay with you hyung?"

Kwill: " But... What if..."

CM: "I assure you she isn't a sasaeng fan. She won't do anything to you. She's my friend. I know her well."

Kwill: "Okay... I'm free tomorrow after 5pm. Will that be okay with her?"

CM: " Thanks hyung! I'll inform her of the timing later. Are you sure it's convenient? Won't your agency be mad?"

Kwill: "I'll have to meet her in secret. I owe you a favour and I can't possibly disappoint your friend. By the way, what's her name?"

CM: "Ga-in, Son Ga-in..."


Son Ga-in... Is it her? There can't be so many Son Ga-in s in Korea right? But this is too coincidental. Meeting with the Son Ga-in I knew after so many years... It's unbelievable. She can't be that Son Ga-in, can she?

I want to ask Changmin hyung all about her, but I'm afraid he might not know about her childhood and I don't want him to misunderstand for asking about her personal life.

I guess I have to wait for a while to be more familiar with her before I can ask her. I don't want to make her feel awkward by asking on the very first day we meet.

It's 4.55pm... I came extremely early for this girl I'm waiting to see. The girl whom I may be looking for for the past 18 years. I don't know why I feel extremely confident that she is the Son Ga-in I know. Somehow, I feel that since I have to meet a Son Ga-in coincidentally , it must be fated, she must be her. The feeling is so strong... I never felt so nervous before. Hope it's really her... jebal...

Just then...

I saw Changmin walking towards the door of the cafe I was in, with a chic looking, short-haired girl with thick eyeliner. Is that Son Ga-in?

She changed so much she looks nothing like her old self. (NOTE: Assuming Ga-in has long hair when she was 7 and she had no makeup put on so she would look innocent and cute then). But I know it's her, just from her small eyes, even though eyeliner is applied. Her eyes are one of a kind. She's my Ga-in... I'm sure.

Ga-in's POV

Ottokke?! He's staring at me... Do I look weird? I feel like fainting... My legs are wobbly. I could fall anytime soon. I felt so awkward, self-conscious and shy that I hid behind Changmin.

Until now, I still can't believe what I'm doing or what I'm going to do. Meeting him has always been my dream and now that I'm going to fulfil it, I can't help but feel like withdrawing. I'm excited but I'm also nervous. I don't know if meeting him is right. I just feel inferior to be near him. I'm afraid I'll stutter. I don't want to humiliate myself.

Should I run away? Should I give up my dream because of this momentary state of anxiety?

Despite my mind being tortured from the dilemma I'm facing, I still can't get myself to move back and withdraw...

I found myself seated on the chair. I didn't dare to look right into his eyes. No matter how shy I felt , my curiousity made me steal a peek at my idol who's seated directly in front of me . I glanced over his face and then pretended to look at changmin who was beside him. It took me a few seconds to realise he was staring at me, all these while. I looked up. There's something is his stare that is unusual. I must be imagining things... I'm that beautiful?

No one's pov

Ga-in blushed at the thought. Her nervousness now was because of her being shy rather than her inferiority. .

Kwill's eyes never left her from the time he first saw her. He could not believe his eyes. He is meeting the person he had been looking for for so long. She indeed changed a lot. He looked at her in admiration. How could she still be so pretty? He looked at her from head to toes. "Is this really my Ga-in?" He thought.

Meanwhile, Changmin felt the need to start a conversation as he felt awkward since none of both were speaking.

"I believe I don't need to introduce Kwill to you," he said to Ga-in. He then turned to his right to face Kwill. "Hyung, she is Son Ga-in, my friend."

"Nice to meet you!" Kwill said as he initiated a hand shake.

The dazed Ga-in only responded to it after Changmin 'woke' her up. Upon touching his hand, blood rushed to her cheeks and she became tomato red. "I touched his hand... I TOUCHED his hand!" She screamed in her head. She smiled in a coy manner which made Changmin laughed. He never saw such a reaction coming from Ga-in.

"Hyung! Look at how red she is! She loves you so much!"  Ga-in would have been all defensive if she wasn't in a good mood.

"She's lovely, just like before..." Kwill thought.

He started asking her questions about how she became his fan. After a while, the conversation was getting warmer and more lively. Changmin could then leave without worrying leaving Ga-in with his friend.

After Changmin left,

"How old are you?" He boldly asked.

"26. I'll be 27 in three day's time," She replied. (According to Korean age) "Omo! Now he's asking me about myself?!"

"Blood Type?"

"B." By then, even with her trying her best to hide her excitement, she revealed a smile which was apparent to his eyes. He knew he had caused her to be misunderstood. Unable to retract his words, he said nothing. He didn't want her to feel that he was interested in her romantically. (NOTE: He didn't love her yet. He treats her like his sister.)

That moment, his phone rang. Ga-in continued drinking her ice latte to hide her smile while he was on the phone. She could guess that he had to go immediately from what he said during the phone conversation. She can't help but feel disappointed. After all, she can't assume he would want to meet her again. She's just a fan anyway, why would he want to meet up with her again.

After the call,

"Sorry. I have to go."

Just when Ga-in lost all hope, he asked, "Give me your number." Ga-in smiled brightly. They exchanged numbers and said their goodbyes. "Sorry. I know it's a short meeting today. I promise I'll call you out sometime later." He assured her. Ga-in looked at him as he walked towards the glass door and left the cafe. Until he was out of sight.

Just as Ga-in faced the other direction, he walked back a little to take a last glimpse of her.

This must be fate...

A van parked beside him along the road. His manager walked out of the vehicle. Before he entered the van, he whipped out his phone and took a picture of his long lost friend.


Short chapter... Sorry...

Kwill's first appearance in the story. I promise there'll be Adam couple interaction the next chapter. Hope you'll wait anticipatedly for it!

Comments please... I love commentors.

By the way, I'm sorry for the delay. Was supposed to post it yesterday when I lost half of the chapter. Had to use the morning today to redo it.


"What's so nice about Kwill?"

" You mean you sing better than him?"

"I'll show you!"

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