Oh no..

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When I woke up it was 4:38 am I was thirsty so I went to the kitchen to get some water. As I got the glass I heard foot steps so I turned around to see who it was. Oh no.. Its Connor. "Hey baby why are you out here so late?" Connor asked. As he grabbed my waist. "Um..I'm getting some water..." I answered him. "Oh well baby you know all you had to do was ask" He whispered into my ear. As he spoke I got chills running up and down my spine. I didn't know if I should go back to bed or just stay here with him. what are you thinking sarah He hurt you earlier go back to bed. "Hey Connor I'm gonna go back to sleep I'll see you tomorrow though." I said with a smile. "Ok G'night princess." He answered with a toothy grin. After that We both went our seperate ways I went to bed and he went to bed to. "Damn it I forgot my water!" I whisper/Yelled. "I'll go get you some but then you need to go to sleep.." Jc mumbled. "Thankkk youuuu." I said.

Jc's Pov

I rolled out of bed to go get Sarah's water for her. She's beautiful. Her gorgeous Blue eyes. And her locks of blonde hair. Damn Breathe taking. Maybe I'll stay up for a little while with her ya know. As I reached the refrigerator I got the water jug I poured her a cup of water. Put the cap back on and put the jug back into the refrigerator. And went back to my room. I gave the water to her. She Smiled and said "Thankkkk youuu dudeee" "Haha you're welcome dudet"

Sarahs pov

As Jc Handed me my drink I Leaned into him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. And then took a sip of my water. Jc took my cup away and put it on his night stand as he grabbed me by my waist and brung me to him and wrapped his arms around my waist he started leaving little kisses up my neck and as he made his way up to my lips I got shivers up my spine. He made the kiss deeper by laying down. I was on top of him but then he rolled me over so he was on top. After that we pulled away and were out of breathe. He kissed me again and Said "Goodnight baby" and smiled and rolled over "Jc I love you.." "oh and goodnight" as I rolled over I heard him mumble "Love you too sarah.." That night I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

  hey guyss. How are you liking it so far? Do you ship them?. I need a trailer so I'm having a trailer contest for 2 weeks kik me it at leelee12345677 baii stay cloudy.

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