Fucking Perfect

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I saw him only in his boxers I think he was stripping I wasn't for sure though. So I nocked on the door. "Come in" Jc said while putting on a shirt. "Hey" I said awkwardly smiling. "Oh if I knew it was you I would've gotten naked haha." Jc said while sniling his seductive smirk. "This is why I love you Jc" I said. But then I got into my many self destrutive world of thoughts. Jc was just kidding he wouldn't like such an ugly girl. He's just trying to get into your pants. He doesn't love you honey. If you have sex with him you'll be a slut, then you'll do it with Ricardo, Kian, Connor, and Sam. Oh did I mention you're a slut? But then Jc's voice took me away fron my thoughts. "Sarah I really like you alot and more than words can ever say. I know I have to have sex with you but it can wait if you want?" Jc said with care in his voice. "No Jc I want you to be my first." I told him while smiling. He then grabbed my waist and brought my lips to his he kissed softly but passionatly. Then threw me on the bed and started sucking and biting on my neck. He then whispered into my ear saying "Baby I'll make you feel alive." Then started taking off his and my pants then threw them to the floor. Then we started making out and he rolled his hips into mine. Then I felt this big bulge on my left thigh. He then pulled my panties down with his teeth and pulled his boxers down. He put the condom on his pe- well you know what I mean. And then postioned himself my my entrance and went in and I felt a sharp pain and gasped but then I felt pleasure. As he thrusted his hips into mine faster and faster by the minute. "JC!" I screamed. Oh my God he felt so good. Were seconds away from reaching our ultimate high. As he thrusted his hips into mine One more time and then I felt the liquidy stuff flow into the condom. As he grabbed my chin and kissed my lips very rough but passionate as we moved in sync he was gripping my lower bottom. And then we got under the covers and said "Fuck Sarah you're beauty makes you seem perfect but, right after I know you're fucking perfect." Jc said. "Jc.. I fucking love you." I said sweetly. "Sarah I fucking love you too." He said as he smiled like there was no tomorrow. We then drifted off to sleep. But before I fell asleep I kept think. That was so fucking Perfect.

   Am I falling for Jc.? And then drifted off to sleep.

A/n Hey guys this is my first sec scene I've ever written. So comment what you think?

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