The Date pt. 2

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5 or 10 minutes later, Jc stopped the car. We were in front of a Italian restaurant. "Ladies first" Jc said and held the door open for me. We sat down in a booth Jc was across from me. "How may I help you two lovely people today?" This attractive guy asked. "I'll have the pasta, and she'll have the ravioli" Jc answered. The waiter left. "I'm going to the bathroom" I told Jc.  When I walked towards the bathroom I saw this guy who was glaring at me. I thought nothing of it and just went to the bathroom. when I stepped out someone grabbed my hand I tried screaming but they put this cloth over my mouth I knew it was cloraform. So I held my breath and pretended to pass out. He then picked me up and said "Baby, you don't gotta fake it, its me Ricardo."  My eyes popped open with fear, He then picked me up and put me in this black van I tried to get out of his arms but he was  too strong. I heard Jc calling for me, but, then I had the strength to scream "JC RICARDO FOUND ME." Then I heard footsteps coming towards the back of the restaurant. That's when Ricardo pushed me in the van,  slapped me across the face, "shut up or you'll get punished worst" he told me then got in the van and drove off, out the corner of my eye I saw Jc come out with tears streaming down his face then he mouthed "I'll find you and kill that bastard."

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