Chapter 18

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*Two Days Later*

I wake up early because I have to drive Jc to the airport. I really don't want him to go, but what can I do? He needs to see his family.

10 minutes later, Jc and I are ready to leave. The car ride is silent. When we arrive at the airport, we both get out. I open the trunk and he gets his bags. He sets them on the sidewalk and I close the trunk.

"I love you." I tell him.

He looks at me.

"I love you too. I'll be back before you know it." He tells me.

"Yay." I say before plunging towards him. I wrap my arms around him and we just stand there like that.

"Ash, I'm gonna miss my flight."

"Oh. Sorry." I say pulling away.

"Don't be sorry." He tells me, stroking my cheek.

"Call me every night." I tell him.

"I will!" He says and then he kisses me.

He walks away and I wave.

When I get home, Kian is up.

"Kian!" I yell.

"Ashley, Connor and Ricky are sleeping!" He says in a whispered shout.

"Oops." I whisper. I go and sit down next to him.

"What are you doing today?" I ask him.

"Andrea and I are going to the beach. Connor has an interview and Ricky has an ATV shoot." He tells me.

"So I'm gonna be alone?" I ask.

"Ya. Why don't you film a video? You haven't uploaded in a month." He tells me.

"Oh my gosh. You're right!" I had actually kind of forgotten about uploading.

Two hours later, everybody is out of the house.

I set up my camera and lights in the living room.

"Hey guys! It's Ashley! Sorry I've been gone for the past month, I've been really busy! But today I'm back and I'm gonna be doing the TMI Tag!" I say.

I begin to answer the questions and 30 minutes later, I'm done. I plug my camera and begin to import the footage. I check my phone and see I have some Twitter and text notifications. I have a text from Kian.

Kian- I'll be back around 6.

Me- Kk.

The other text is from Jenn.

Jenn- Hey girl! Do you wanna hang out?

Me- Maybe tomorrow. I have to film and stuff today.

I still have nothing from Jc. I then check Twitter and see that I have a DM from Maddie. We've been talking recently because we wanted to clear everything up between us. I open the messages and see a picture. I click on it. It's a picture of Jc and some girl. The caption on the tweet the girl sent out says "Missed my booooo" and it was just uploaded one hour again. I then look to see that Maddie said about it.

@maddiemoo- Do you know her?

@ashleyparker- No.

The girl has long brown hair and is actually really pretty. I wouldn't be surprised if he chooses her over me.

I text Connor to see if he knows anything.

Me- Hey Con. Do you know who this girl is?

I also attach the picture.

Con- Oh ya. That's Mia. Her and Jc used to date.

Me- Oh....

Con- I didn't know they still talked.

Me- I didn't know she existed.

Con- I wouldn't worry about it. I'll be home in 30 minutes and we can talk.

Me- Ok.

After I'm done texting Connor, I decide to text Jc.

Me- Hey.

Fifteen minutes later, still nothing.

An hour later, nothing. And Connor still isn't home. I begin to cry.

*Connor's POV*

When I get home, I can hear crying. I throw my keys onto the table and run up to Ashley's room.

She's laying on the ground, in a ball, crying.

"Ashley!" I yell.

She looks and me and sits up.

"He chose her." She tells me.

"No he didn't." I say as I squat next to her.

"It's been an hour and 15 minutes and he won't text me." She tells me.

I grab her hands and pull her up, so she's standing up.

She wraps her arms around me and begins crying into my chest.

I rub her back and whisper, "Don't worry."

She just continues to cry.

All I can think about is what an asshole Jc is being.



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