Kim Yugyeom

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Dahyun and Jackson went to the college to register. They went to the office and asked for their class and some school stuff. While they were waiting for the teacher that in charge for them, they sat on the waiting section which is near to the door of the office. Every time people coming in and going out they will look, hoping for the teacher to come faster. Then, someone entered the office and both of them looked at the person. Dahyun was shocked when she saw that person.

"Oh, Hey!! My neighbour!" He said. "H-Hi..." Dahyun replied with feeling like 'is he studied here too?' Jackson looked at the person and "You...." He said. "Gyeom. Yes, I'm Yugyeom." He said continuing Jackson word. "I'm not going to say your name. I was about to say 'you....why are you here?'. " Jackson said.

"Anyway, are you guys here for register?" He asked. Dahyun nodded. "Uhmm....Follow me." He said with his hand motioned them to follow him. Dahyun looked at Jackson and Jackson just shrugged and standing up following Yugyeom. "Can we trust him?" Dahyun asked herself more like whispering before following them. "Mr. Hwang won't be around here for today. Hasn't they told you guys to go to his room?" Yugyeom asked. "Nope. They just said we have to wait." Jackson replied. "Ah~ I see....maybe they forget about him not going to be here." Yugyeom said.

Dahyun felt like something wasn't right. All teachers have to know if the other teacher wasn't here. But, they just left them like that. Also, the treatment they get just now was awful. There's no warm welcomed and they don't even get any smile. Dahyun felt like they weren't accept to be here. 

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Dahyun's POV

Is this what they called Seoul? Everyone here is not that friendly, most of them was cold and there's a person like Yugyeom that I'm not sure if I have to trust or not, but he looks kind. Is Jaebum also like that? He get fooled by them and being cold too? Is that why he didn't came to the village anymore? Im Jaebum. Wish you were just the same.

* * * * *

"Here's the room, come in." Yugyeom said. They followed him. He reached for the file on the table and read what has been written on the file. "I think, this is it." He said and opened the file. "Kim Dahyun?" He said. "It's me." Dahyun said. "Nice name." He said and smiled to Dahyun. Dahyun blushed by his gaze. He handed Dahyun her schedule and a few other papers. "What's your name?" Yugyeom asked Jackson. "Wang Jackson." He replied. "Oh, I think your name will be under a few papers because your name start with W." He said while flipping a few papers.

Then, finally he found it. "Here it is Wang Jackson." He said and handed the same thing to Jackson, "Your name is like a fencer from Hong Kong. I adore him so much." Yugyeom said. "Really?" Jackson asked knowing nothing about fencer. "Yes, well....if you want to be like him, you can because here we have Fencing Club." Yugyeom said. "I don't think I'm interested about that." Jackson said. "Why not? I thought that I can see a real Jackson in my life." Yugyeom pouted.

"Okay..okay...I'll think about it." Jackson said. Without anyone noticed, Dahyun was smiling at their back because she found that Yugyeom is cute and funny. Since it was still the free time, Yugyeom wanted to bring them take a tour around the college. They just agreed for it. Suddenly, "KIM YUGYEOOOOOOM!!!!!!" Someone shouted from the front and they could see someone was running towards them. "Oh, hey! Why are you in rush?" Yugyeom said and the boy stopped in front of them. The boy was exhausted after running around the school.

"Where's the key?" He asked and Yugyeom gasped. "OH NO!!!" He growled. "Go get it now!!" The boy said. Immediately, Yugyeom had missing from their sight. "Is that your friend?" Jackson asked. "AAAHHHHHHH!! WHO ARE YOU!?" He startled. "I'm new student. We're new student. I'm Jackson and this is Dahyun." Calmly Jackson explained themselves. "Oh.....Yes, I'm Bambam, Yugyeom friend. That's why I haven't see you here before." He said and they shook their hand. "Is he about to give you guys a tour?" Bambam asked. Dahyun nodded.

"Then, let's continue with Bambam tour." He said excitedly while showing the places. But, Dahyun could feel a strange feeling around the college. People aren't welcoming them. Their hard stares and cold gaze made her uncomfortable and she felt like running away now. "Uhm, Jackson, can we stop now?" She whispered to Jackson. "What? The fun is about to start." He replied with whispering. "But, everyone aren't please with us being here." Dahyun said and Jackson looked around secretly and he gulped. "Just ignored them." He replied. " feels different. I don't like it." She said and she held on Jackson's bag tightly won't let Jackson go anywhere.

"Hey! What are you talking about? I was talking alone there." Bambam said. "I'm sorry Bam, but Dahyun suddenly feel unwell. She wanted to stop." Jackson gave him an excuses. "Oh yes. Did you want to go to the infirmary?" Bambam asked Dahyun. He also felt sorry for her. "Is there a place that has not too much people?" Dahyun asked. "Yes... of course. Follow me." He said and Jackson followed him with Dahyun still holding on his bag tightly.

Then, they arrived in a quite room with some books in the cupboard. The room was too neat and clean. It will gives people a comfortable feeling and peace. "People always come here to release their stress. This room was made for you to rest your mind, your heart, your emotions and your feeling." Bambam said. "Perhaps this place is what you are looking for." He continued. "Uhm, I really need a place like this." Dahyun said nodded and she was so thankful to Bambam. "I'll go first, because you were resting, I guess we'll continue the tours next time. Rest well Dahyun...I've a few works to do." He said and went out from the room.

"Yugyeom and Bambam were such a kind person." Dahyun said. "Yes, you're right." Jackson said. "Is that why Jaebum isn't coming back to the village?" Dahyun asked. "No, he won't be one of them.He won't be cold like them. Such a scary death stare." He said and rubbing his arm up and down when remembering the way all the student looked at them. "I wish he won't." Dahyun said and put her head on the desk. "Kim Dahyun...are you alright? I immediately run to here when I heard you were unwell from Bambam." Yugyeom said. Dahyun smiled.

"I'm fine now." Dahyun said. "I know, because you're looking at me. That's why you are fine now." He said jokingly and Dahyun hit him playfully. "That's why, I bought this for you. Perhaps you're unwell because you haven't eat anything yet." He handed Dahyun a bowl of Black Bean Noodles and a can of drink. "You said you run to here immediately. Then, when are you buying all of this?" Dahyun asked. "Err...hahahaha...." He said and scratching the back of his head. "I'm hungry too." Jackson said. "Let's buy a food for us." Yugyeom said.

"Dahyun, you can wait here. We won't go for long." Jackson said. Dahyun nodded and Jackson and Yugyeom sprinted to buy themselves a food. She was enjoying her food until, she felt like someone was in front of the door staring at her made her uncomfortable. She kept her head down. She doesn't want to look at that person. "What are you doing here?" Coldly the person asked Dahyun. Slowly, Dahyun lifted her head and she was too shocked seeing that person that made her immediately standing up. 

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