forever love

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"Yugyeom-aa....I.." Dahyun was so weak even to say a word. She was about to ask for food but, before she could finish her words, Yugyeom put a plate of spaghetti in front of her. She looked at Yugyeom confusedly. Yugyeom chuckled. "I know you're hungry. Eat a lot. Okay." Yugyeom said and Dahyun smiled. "Thanks a lot. Really a lot." She replied before started to eat deliciously.

Yugyeom POV

I know, I know you are hungry. You haven't eat yet. I know you will be hungry, mostly after crying. I don't know what is the reason behind your tears, but I could understand the pain that you've suffered. I'm sorry I was not there beside you when you need someone to support you. I'm sorry.

"Yugyeom-aa...did you take a music class?" Dahyun asked before shoving a spoonful spaghetti to her  mouth. "Yes, I am. Why? Are you taking a music class too?" Yugyeom asked. Dahyun shook her head. "Then? Why'd you ask?" Yugyeom asked again. "I wanted to see you in music class.." Dahyun simply replied. But, that isn't the answer to Yugyeom's question. "But, why?" He asked again. 

Dahyun smiled. "I just want to see you." Dahyun said and wiped the corner of her lips as she had finish eating. "Well, then...okay." Yugyeom said. "I have music class today, at 2pm. If you want to come, you can come to the music room." Yugyeom said. He picked up Dahyun's plate and put it in the sink. "I can come? Really?" She asked with a spark in her eyes. Yugyeom nodded.


"Are you ready? Let's go." Yugyeom said and walked together with Dahyun into the music room.

A few students were setting up their instruments and someone who was playing piano caught Dahyun's attention. "Who is that?" Dahyun asked. "Oh, that's Youngjae. He was really good in playing piano." Yugyeom said as he put down his bag on a chair. Dahyun nodded. "I can play piano very well too." Bambam who came from nowhere said. "Really? Will you play for me?" Dahyun asked. "Why not? Of course I will." Bambam said. 

Youngjae stood away and gave Bambam a chance to play. "You'll see how good I am." Bambam said. Then, he start to play the piano. After a while, he finished playing and Dahyun clapped her hand super excited. "That's so great." She said. "I know." Bambam said and he went down from the stage. Youngjae sat at the piano again. "So, how about you? You know how to play any instrument?" Yugyeom asked Dahyun.

Dahyun nodded. "I love piano. I can play piano very well too." She said. "Then, why don't you entered the music class?" Youngjae asked. Dahyun shook her head. "I don't want." She replied. "Why?" Bambam asked curiously. "Just, some stupid reason." Dahyun replied with a soft chuckle. Yugyeom furrowed his eyebrows. He still unsatisfied with the answer. "Then, are you not feeling like wanted to play the piano so badly?" Yugyeom asked. Dahyun smiled. "Sometimes....but I can't. Well, seeing people playing piano also can cure my pain. So, it's fine." Dahyun said.

"Really? You're more greater than me." Bambam said. Dahyun chuckled. "I'm not. Just an average girl." Dahyun said. She sat on a chair as she watched few girls playing violin. "Uhm.....guys. The teacher can't come we have to practice by our own." A boy said. "Then, I won't practicing." Bambam said and he sat down to a chair next to Dahyun. Yugyeom rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Yaa...Yugyeom-aa....can you help me with my guitar?" A boy asked. "Oh, be right there Jae." Yugyeom said mentioning the boy name. "I'll go first Dahyun-aa.." He said and left Dahyun with Bambam. "So, Dahyun." Bambam called her. "Yeah?" Dahyun asked. "Why are you here? You said you aren't taking the music class." Bambam asked back. "Uhm...." Dahyun lost for her words. "Because...I want to--"

A boy entered the class and smacked the door loudly that shocked everyone in the class. Everyone turn their head to the door. "--see him." Dahyun said but more like a whispers. The earlier boy was turn out to be the Im Jaebum of her life. "Here's come the monster." Bambam scoffed as he rolled his eyes. Dahyun was still looking at him. She didn't notice how much she adore and admire that boy.

Jaebum sat down on a chair as he tried to calm himself down. He was super mad and the look on his face was like he just finished murdered someone. Dahyun knows that expression so much. She suddenly gathered a new strength. "Youngjae-ssi." She called Youngjae throughout the big room. Her voice did attract Jaebum's attention and he was looking at the girl with wide eyes.

"May I....use the piano?" She asked Youngjae as she walked to the stage. "Sure." Short Youngjae replied. Not only Jaebum was focusing on her, Bambam and Yugyeom also looking at her. She started to play the piano and as she touch the first key, she gained everyonoe's attention.

[p/s : play the video above]

After she finished playing she looked at Jaebum and their eyes locked. Yugyeom noticed the looked on Dahyun's eyes and he notice toward who Dahyun is looking like that.

Dahyun's POV

Im that..right?

Jaebum's POV

How can you.....still remember that?

Yugyeom's POV

So this is.....what 'Forever Love' is....

Then, Bambam clapped his hand and soon followed by other students. Dahyun then looked to the front and smiled. She went down the stage. Youngjae was proudly clapped his hand and non-stop praising Dahyun.  "That's super great Dahyun-aa..I have never heard the song before? What song is that?" Bambam asked when Dahyun sat at her chair again.

"It's called......." Dahyun paused. She looked at Jaebum. "I don't know either...I forgot the name.." She replied with chuckles. "Oh....too bad. It would be nice if you know the title." Bambam said. "I'm sorry..."  Dahyun said. 

Jaebum walked toward Dahyun. "Yaa...Kim Dahyun." He called. Dahyun froze by the way he called her name and it surprised her that Jaebum still remember her full name. "I have to go now. See you again next time." Dahyun said and left the music room as well leaving Jaebum dumbfounded. Jaebum looked down to the floor and sighed heavily.

Yugyeom's POV

So...true love did exist......loyalty was valuable.

Jaebum's POV

Why did I even doing this?

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