Umbreons pof

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I'm glad my child is a shiny. She would worry about safety and she would be different. Same is boring. I hope he grows up to be like me. No, not like my past self. I hope not. Only my brother knows and he won't talk to me...
"Echo!" It was Bloom, the Leafeon. He is a guy, his parents really didn't think through his name. His sister though match's. Anyway, its unusual for Bloom to call me by my real name. He would usually call me "Shiny" or "Blue rings", but for him to call me by "Echo" this is serious. I padded over to him. "Bring your mate." He said. He doesn't sound like himself, he sounds too responsible. He would usually act like the drunk friend, but we don't drink. We can't we are pokemon. I looked over at Gem. She looked around. She shouted something when tsunami, a Vaporeon got up and nosed Eevee. We need a name for Eevee. Gem ran over here.
  "What's going on?" Gem said.
  " My mate, Flare, is terribly ill." He said in despair.
  Gem smiled. " It's ok we can ask the Leafeon nurse to he--"
  "You don't understand." Gem paused. All I did was watch. After moments I opened my mouth to say something, until Bloom said, " I never wanted to tell you this at this terrible time, but me and Flare....We..... Flare is pregnant."

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