Time past.. eevees pof (Warning! may not be appropriate for young children)

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The moon gives light to the dens circled around. Gem and Echo are cuddling, forgetting me. Good. I walk out carefully, making sure not to wake them with rocks and vines. I made it out! I head for flares and blooms den. Easy. I peak through. Where I bloom? Forget it. Now's my chance. I walk up. I see the ill, pregnant Flareon. "You will thank me." I whispered. I bit her neck and sunk my teeth deep in her throat. Flareon yelped. I scratched her eyes, then to her stomach. I sunk my class deep inside, making an opening. Flareon screamed for help. Bloom rushed in, as I do my hand in her. "FLARE!" Bloom bit Eevee by the neck and threw him. I fell and growled. I laughed my weight onto bloom. And sunk my claw in his eye. He screeches. While I have time, I run to Flareon and dig it out. Took out everything. Echo and Gem runs in.
  I grinned, like the Cheshire cat. "Making her suffer less for now on. She won't worry about her health, and her baby. BECAUSE TEY ARE DEAD." Echo bit my neck and threw me. I fell.
  "I knew it. Got it after echo!" Someone said. Everyone was joining in. I ran to the den, curled up, and slept.

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