1. One Hundred Sleepless Nights.

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"And I don't see your face taken by the one-hearted race, home now. Don't tell your other man, I got a hell of a plan.

Failing lights, amass one hundred sleepless nights. And I might be holding on too tight. But there is a beast in my heart and he won't let you leave alive."


Kevin never meant to become to engulfed in Aleks. Although the tiny butterflies spread their wings in both his stomach and mind when he thought about the significant other, and he could feel himself slowly fall for the elder Russian man. He made the friendly hugs last longer and words shared lingered in the back of his mind, although this obsession got out of hand very, very quickly. And he soon found himself denying Aleks any right to spend time with anyone whom Kevin felt would get in the way of he and his best friend, his mental lover, and his Aleks. 

After all, he'd do anything for his Aleks. 

He kept a small journal with vivid details of each little crime he'd commit as reminisce of those he despised. He started out by slowly picking off the girls Aleks used to see. They were all trying to win him back and Kevin couldn't let that happen.

"Fucking whores."

But it dawned on the younger Asian that there were bigger threats among him. 

The men that Aleks would see everyday, The Creatures. Kevin had been yearning to earn a spot in the group for so long, but he'd go insane having to watch these men with the one he loved everyday. Everyone was out to take him away and push Kevin out of the picture. Someone as smart as himself knew that this couldn't happen, of course.

It started with Jordan. No, this wasn't his first victim, though the most enjoyable, it gave him a moment of experimental purposes. He found a love for teasing his victims before ultimately ending their life. 

"J. Matthewson. 05/March/2016. 4:03 A.M."

This was the first recent entry he had made in this journal. And he made note to list every little detail.

"Matthewson's wrist bound behind his back as I dug my knife into his thigh. He tried to scream though it was inaudible due to the hand clamped over his lips. The restraints held him hostage as I trail my knife from the center of his wrist to the bend of his arm, veins protruding from the skin as I repeated the process." It read.

Jordan didn't put up much of a fight. His weaker limbs and instability to handle these situations was his downfall and Kevin immediately overpowered the older male. It was easy for him to rid of the evidence, and once he rid of Monica, he burned the bodies and then the evidence. 

"Matthewson's wife found the body before I could escape the house. I had no other choice but to keep her quiet as well. It may have not been by choice, though it had to have happened either way. She'd rather be dead the widowed."

The next victim was Seamus. His girlfriend was gone for the weekend which provided a window of opportunity for Kevin and his duties. Knowing that the smaller Irishman would be home alone for the week, it gave him plently of time to do as he pleased with the victim. So he entered the home in the middle of the night to find him passed out, half drunk, on the couch with a bottle still in hand. 

Seamus' heritage granted him the ability to drink like a madman and Kevin knew very well that he'd be easy to rid off with the alcohol stained breath and hints of booze still flowing throughout his body.

"S. O'Doherty. 16/April/2016. 2:36 A.M."

"O'Doherty hardly even felt my knife pierce his skin. I started with the throat first, gliding it across into a long and slender smile. The drunk hardly stirred before spitting up blood and peeling his eyes open to meet the wicked grin spreading across my face. It was probably the last thing he saw."

This was probably one of the cleanest and quickest crimes he'd committed in the series of murders. It didn't involve the gore he seemed to rather enjoy. The blood that belonged to the poor man who struggled beneath his touch. 

"I exited the house once the color drained from his face and his chest stopped heaving. It was a beautiful sight watching him struggle."

At the time, Nick had been keeping up with the Creatures again and Steven was moved back into Denver, and without Jordan to accompany Dan in his streams, and with Seamus' absence for Eddie's, these two began to cover for the missing and instead Nick now joined Dan and Steven replaced Seamus.

"D. Gidlow. 27/May/2016. 5:06 P.M."

He never meant to throw Nick into the picture, whom never posed a threat to he or Aleks, though he didn't want anyone to get in the way of he and his love. Regardless, he disposed the feeling of guilt and proceeded with his plans. 

"The screams of agony and watching the flames engulf their bodies is truly a beautiful sight. Burn, baby, burn."

By this time, the Creatures knew that someone had been out to get them and none of which suspected their close friend. By the time Steven's body was found mangled and slaughtered, Aleks and the remaining victims had all broken down and Kevin was always their to console them in their time of need. 

"They're dead, all fucking dead!" Aleks' voice cracked at the last three words he'd said. Kevin was a good liar and better at hiding the evidence. He pulled his best friend into his chest, softly humming in his ear and breathing in his lovely scent. Kevin then began to press his lips onto his forehead gently. 

He only had two more to go, and the two that he knew would be the biggest obstacles if he were to have Aleks to himself, James and Eddie. And now once they were gone, he could always be with his love with no one in the way to tear them apart. A grim smile spread across his lips as he knelt down to bury his face into Aleks' neck. 

"I won't ever let them hurt you," he mutters, "no one will ever hurt you."

Aleks shut his eyes tightly, wrapping his around around his friend's waist and embracing his existence, meanwhile Kevin felt more alive than he ever had been before. And as his lover fell asleep in his arms and he fell asleep to the silent sobs of the other two men, he secretly plotted out their demise in his crumbling mental state.

The best for last, right?


"I can't wait to see your brilliant face light up the room around the pillow-case. She said, 'can't you come over to my LA place? I got something to tell you, and it just can't wait.'

When I showed up, you held the door in tears. Sat on the couch under the chandeliers. You said you're having a baby, and before I could cry, you're leaving me just when I thought you were mine."

(A/N: i'm highlighting ImmortalFox and NovaHD since they're obviously the most popular ships within the fandom. that's what's within the next few chapters, yay???)

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