New Guy

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It was 7AM and Nico was just getting ready for school. Like every other morning, she'd pace about her room looking for something to wear. Nico wasn't one to really care about what other people thought of her, but she always took pride in what she wore and often spent a short while in front of the mirror, piecing together outfits and deciding which ones would look good or not.

After applying her usual simple makeup routine consisting of the perfect winged eyeliner, black eyeshadow and red lipstick, she would pat on a bit of blush to balance out her pale features and she'd be on her way.

"Bye, Dad!" Nico called out to her father as she rushed down the stairs, her maroon knee-high skirt flowing behind her.

Her dad said nothing and just grunted as he always did, refusing to take his eyes off his newspaper. She smiled at the thought of having the house to herself for the weekend, as her father would have left for a business trip before she returned home that day.

Nico rolled her eyes and opened the front door to see her friend, Tracie, waiting for her. Tracie lived 3 doors down, so they'd always walk to the bus stop together.

"Morning, T." said Nico as she slung her tattered backpack over her shoulder.

"Did you finish yesterdays homework?" Tracie asked, anxiously biting her fingernails.

Nico rolled her eyes once again with a nod. "I did."

"Oh, great!" Tracie clapped her hands giddily. "Quick, hand me your book! I've gotta copy it all before we get to school."

Nico sighed and opened up her backpack, where she pulled out a notebook and handed it to her friend. Tracie snatched it and started flicking through it, nodding with every page turn.

"You owe me." said Nico, pulling her bag back on.

"Yes, yes," Tracie nodded, digging into the pockets of her flared jeans. "...I know." She fished out 3 cigarettes and placed them in Nico's palm.

Nico smiled and popped them into the front pocket of her white blouse. "Thanks."

When they got on the bus, they immediately made their way to an empty seat and sat down. It was just like any bus ride; Tracie trying to copy Nico's homework as fast as she could, freshmen causing a ruckus up the front, and the jocks at the back usually bullying some nerdy kid...but something felt a little off for Nico that morning. As she wondered what it could be, her eyes landed on a guy with slightly messy, long brown hair and the sweetest light-brown eyes she'd ever seen. He was sitting by himself with headphones on and he tapped to the beat of whatever he was listening to with his fingers on his thigh. Nico had never seen this guy before, so she naturally felt quite curious about him. Where did he come from? Why was he sitting by himself? What could he be listening to?

"Quit staring at the new kid." Tracie's high-pitched voice snapped Nico out of her thoughts.

"Who is he?" asked Nico, glancing over at him once more.

"I heard he got kicked outta some fancy boarding school in Switzerland." said Tracie with a smirk.


"Yeah, his parents must be rich or something...although he doesn't look it." Tracie's comment made Nico study the guy's outfit. Ripped jeans, scuffed up Chucks and a T-Shirt with some graphics on it that Nico couldn't quite make out due to his flannel shirt covering it.

"What else do you know about him?" Nico found herself asking as she stared.

"Jeez, girl!" Tracie laughed. "Are you crushing or something? He sure ain't much to look at."

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