Pleasantly Drunk

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A few hours later, the 3 teens were pleasantly drunk as they lay on Nico's bed, side by side and staring up at the ceiling.

"You're really cool, Julian." Nico blurted out after 5 minutes of silence. "I'm glad I met you."

"Thanks." Julian smiled. "You too."

"Are you gonna stick around? Like...with us?" asked Fab.

"Well, you're the only people that seem to like me so far, so yeah." he nodded. "If that's okay."

"Of course it's okay!" Nico giggled, then looking up at the clock on her wall. "Damn, it's late."

"We should go." said Fab, slowly sitting up. He blinked rapidly for a second and shook his head. "I'm drunk."

Julian sat up and raised an eyebrow at him. "Ya think?" He then furrowed his brow and started laughing. "Oh, shit! I am too!"

"You two are wrecked!" Nico joined in on the laughter and took another few sips of a bottle of vodka she stole from her father's cabinet.

"Woah! Slow down, girl." Julian watched her amusedly and took the bottle off her after she was done.

She sighed, placing a hand on his thigh as she snuggled into a pillow. "You guys can stay the night if you want."

Fab shook his head. "I'm gonna get home and start on that essay."

"Aww!" Nico pouted and sat up on her knees. "Please don't go, Fab!" she whined, tugging on his shirt.

"I have to!"

"No," she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him back. " don't." She looked into his dark eyes and then down to his mouth as she licked her lips.

Fab's breath hitched. "Nico, what are you d-" He was cut off by her soft lips against his. Just before he could kiss back, she pulled away and turned to Julian, who had been watching with wide eyes. She caressed Julian's cheek with one hand and wrapped her other arm around his neck, pulling him closer. She then pulled him in for another short kiss, then turning back to Fab. This continued for about 5 minutes, back and forth, until Nico had passed out on Julian's lap mid-kiss.

The two guys looked at each other quizzically.

"Is she usually like this?" Julian asked, wiping his mouth with his sleeve as he looked down at the girl in his lap.

"No! Not at all!" Fab exclaimed in a harsh whisper. "I think it's the booze."

"That was fucking hot." Julian said.

"If she kissed you...and then kissed me...does that mean I practically kissed you, and you kissed me?" Fab furrowed his brow and grabbed the bottle of vodka, then swiftly gulping some down. He handed it to Julian, who did the same thing.

The two guys started laughing, causing Nico to stir in her sleep. Julian looked down at her and couldn't help but to smile. Even when she was wasted she still looked like a delicate flower.

"I'm sleepy." mumbled Fab. He rolled over, his back facing Julian and Nico and he quite quickly drifted off to sleep.

Julian didn't know what to do with himself. He had a pretty girl fast asleep in his lap and his heart was racing a mile a minute. He found his hand playing with her soft hair. She smiled a little when he touched her and nuzzled her head deeper into his lap.

Nico soon found herself slowly waking up with her face pressed close against someones chest. She could hear their heart beat as she breathed in their scent consisting of cigarettes and booze, which usually wasn't a great smell, but it had some boyish charm mixed into it that oddly mesmerised her. Letting out a soft groan, she opened her eyes. It was still dark, except for a sliver of moonlight seeping in from a gap in her blinds.

She pulled her face away from the persons chest and gasped when she caught sight of his face. It was Julian! He lay with his long hair covering his face, and his mouth was open a little as he snored softly. Nico thought it was the cutest thing ever. She gasped when she caught sight of the bruise that had finally appeared under Julian's eye. "Fucking jocks." she grumbled, then turning to her other side to see Fab's back to her.

"I'm still drunk." Nico whispered to herself, her eyes darting around the room. She felt like throwing up for a second, but the feeling quickly passed and she laid back down to face Julian. When he mumbled something in his sleep, it gave Nico butterflies for some reason. His sleepy voice was all raspy, which Nico thought was so hot. She gently pushed some of his hair out of his face and watched as his eyebrows knitted together. He looked as if we were having a bad dream.

"N-no..." Julian whimpered softly. Nico watched him confusedly with a furrowed brow. His face scrunched up even more as he started to become restless. She contemplated waking him up, but found herself draping an arm over his waist instead. That seemed to have calmed him down...and it did. Julian's face returned to a soft expression. Nico planted a kiss on his forehead and his lips twitched up into a weak smile. How could someone be so cute?! Nico thought to herself as she reburied her face in his chest. He smelled so good. This stranger she only met hours earlier was making her feel and do so many new things she'd never have before. Heck, she stood up on a crowded bus and yelled at everyone for him!

Nico drifted off to the sound of Julian's soft breathing and woke up a few hours later. She pulled away from Julian and yawned, stretching her arms above her head. It wasn't long before the other two woke up and looked around confusedly. The three teenagers had very little to no memory of the previous night.

"Well, that was fun." Nico giggled. "I think?"

Julian laughed. "Yeah..."

"I'm gonna puke." said Fab.

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