Nurse's Office

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"Come back, Nico!" Tracie called after Nico. Nico ignored her as she followed the guy out of the cafeteria.

Once they were in one of the school hallways, she called after him. "Hey!"

The guy stopped walking and turned around to face her. Nico gasped at the sight of his swollen face. She knew he'd have a black eye later.

"Are you okay?" she asked, but it sounded more like a pathetic squeak.

The guy said nothing and just stared at her quizzically. It seemed as though he was deciding whether or not to speak.

"It's okay." Nico said, walking closer to him. "I come in peace."

The guy frowned and looked at the floor as she stopped in front of him. He didn't know what to say. He really wasn't okay, but he couldn't admit that.

"What's your name?" she asked.

The guy looked back up at her and sighed. "Julian."

"Hey, Julian." she greeted him with a warm smile. "I'm Nico."


"Yeah," she laughed. "Weird, huh?"

"'s cool." A smile appeared on Julian's face once he realised this girl wasn't there to cause him any harm. "Um, like...?" He pulled his flannel shirt aside, revealing a Velvet Underground & Nico T-Shirt.

"Yes!" Nico clasped her hands together excitedly. "My mom loved them!" Once she'd realised she was getting a little overexcited, she cleared her throat and looked away to hide her rosy cheeks. It wasn't really like Nico to have random outbursts like that.

Julian laughed and tucked some of his hair behind his ear. "So, uhh..."

"Let's go get you some ice." said Nico. "Follow me."

"It's fine...really-"

"You just got punched by the captain of the football team, Julian." Nico said sternly. "That guy's got anger issues. You're not fine. Quit the tough guy act, I'm not stupid."

Julian said nothing and followed Nico down the long hallway, turning a few corners until they reached the nurse's office. Nico knocked on the door and held her hands behind her back as she waited for an answer. Julian took a second to take in her features. She was adorable, he thought. She looked quite innocent in her white blouse, knee-high socks and maroon skirt. He figured he should probably stay away from her...for her sake.

Julian's staring was interrupted by the door opening. An old woman stepped out, pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose as she scrutinised the two teenagers.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Newton," Nico spoke in a sweet voice. ", uhh...friend Julian here has had a run-in with someone's fist."

"Not another one." Mrs. Newton rolled her eyes and stepped aside so that Nico and Julian could walk in. She made Julian sit down and she poked around his face for a bit, before finally giving him an icepack. "Was it that wretched Brandon fellow again?" she asked with clear annoyance in her tone.

Nico nodded. "You betcha."

"That kid's gonna end up in jail when he graduates and realises a football scholarship will get him nowhere in life." she mumbled.

Nico laughed at her comment, triggering a soft chuckle from Julian. She thought he looked cute when he laughed. His eyes would crinkle a little and he'd laugh mostly through his nose.

"Would you like me to call your parents, young man?" asked Mrs. Newton. "Are you feeling dizzy at all?"

Julian's eyes widened and he started to vigorously shake his head. "Uh, no thanks. I'm okay."

"Alright, you kids be off to your next class now." She waved her hands and shooed them out.

"Thank you." Nico said to her before they left. She then turned to Julian and smiled. "What class have you got now?"

Julian furrowed his brow as he thought. "Uhh, music?"

"Me too." Nico replied. "Let's go."

"You don't have to do this, you know?" said Julian as they walked side by side down the corridor.

Nico raised an eyebrow. "Do what?"

"Hang out with me." replied Julian. "I'll be fine by myself."

"It's okay." she said with a soft smile. "I want to." Her smile made Julian feel happy inside. But that wasn't a good thing, he quickly decided.

He stopped walking and looked at her angrily. "Seriously, I'm fine." he said in a slightly agitated tone. "You can go."

A frown appeared on Nico's face once she realised he was being serious. "Oh..."

"Yeah, see 'ya." Julian rolled his eyes and jogged down the hallway until he disappeared around the corner.

What was with his sudden mood change? Nico couldn't believe it. She helped him out of the kindness of her heart and he just blew her off like that?! She was beginning to think he was quite cool, too. She liked his long hair, and the fact that he thought her name was cool.

Although she barely knew Julian, she felt little sad that he just ditched her like that. Nico decided to just shrug it off and she sighed as she walked to her next class.

You can't win 'em all.

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